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Show il vQi'5 binghaSTcyonTS September 23, 1922. " noT22' thrillers, when lower and upper town meets. The boys are working out ev-ery night at Berger's Nest, where the fans are giving them the once over. BINGHAM TO HAVE GOOD ' BOXING MATCHES On October 10, the fans will have a chance to witness some v . f good boxing at the Princess the-atre when Tom Clark of Rock ? Springs, Wyo., and J. Delaney of ' Bingham will tangle for six ; 1 rounds in the main event The j ' fans have wanted to see these f ' boys go since they seen them In j action last spring, will have the chance. They are both welter I , weights, 145. Another feature of the even- - ing will be when Wallie Hasa-- ; . lowe and Bud Vaughn tangle. I These boys are both light .heavies and have had plenty of r experience in the ring. They , should furnish some heavy ; smacks for the boys in this six round go. i ' Then there will be a good cur-tai- n raiser, besides some more : ' four round bouts that' will be :j bingha Mayor in I , SALT LAKE HOSPITAL 1 1 i With sincere regret we note V the serious illness through H blood poisoning of Dr. F. E. fj Straup who is naw a patient at the L. D. S. Hospital at Salt f j - Lake City. Dr. Straup con- - s tracted the case after slightly lacerating his arm whilst operat- - I ing on a patient at the Bingham j Hospital. At the time of going to press (Friday) we learn the I I doctor is still in a precarious i condition. Doctor D. Joslin, as- - j j sistant to Dr. J. F. Critchlow of ' t Salt Lake City will take charge !. I of Dr Straup's patients for an f f indefinite period. Doctor Joslin y is pronounced by the medical fraternity to be a most promis- - l ing and efficient young fellow. Central Bank of Bingham Friendliness and Mutual .Interest are manifest characteristics of our Association with our customers. We invite you to make full use of our facilities and com-- plete banking service. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $70,000.00 ' Jerome The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS, FISH and FOWL-PHON- E 5 ALWAYS THE BEST You Wont be Sorry If You i Give Me a Trial Grover's Garage I do my own work. Fords and Ghevrolets a Spec-ialty. Storage and Accessories. 228 Main St, Bingham JACK'S GRILL - G. M. Gregory, Prop. We Serve the Best of Everything to Eat All Kinds of Soft Drinks 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City BwssssBBMsBBjesaaBasWBWBaBwB O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 17 WM. BOLAND, Mgr. Main Of-fice, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 TrArT is a good time to send . in your subscription... I , . 1 Blanketed we're liable WmIMRI FUNERAL SERVICES FOR ITALIANS HELD Funeral services for " Tony Bernardo, 23 years of age, and John Gigliotto, 29 years of age, who were both recently killed at the Utah Copper mine, were held from the O'Donnell under-taking parlors on Monday even-ing. Gigliotto had been a mem-ber of No. 10 Independent Order of Odd Fellows for nearly three years. Postmaster Archie Stew-art of the Odd Fellows with Senator H. Standish officiat-ing with the last rites of Odd-fellowsh- Bishop Wright of the L. D. S. church also took part in the services and the L. D. S. choir furnished appreciable songs The interment on Tues-day was made at Mt. Olivet cemetery with a large number of Oddfellows and friends attend-ing. " ORE SHIPPED FROM THE BINGHAM DISTRICT THIS WEEK U. S. Mining Co., 41 cars. Utah Apex-- Mining Co., 21 cars. Bingham Mines Co. 8 cars. Montana Bingham Mining Co. 5 cars. Total, 75 cars. S COLUMBUS DAY TO BE CEL-i- f EBRATED i ' ' ' ' October the 12th, a state hoh--. day, so designated through the ;H ' efforts of former State Legisla-- , tor Francis Quinn, will be cele-- ,' i brated in Bingham as strongly j'v as the finances of the only local , Italian fraternal organization in s camp will permit. The organiza- - i tion which is known as the Col- -' . : ' umbus Society, No. 68, has a large number of members and t have apointed the following members as a general commit-- 5 . tee: Dominic Pezzopane, John f) : Ferraccio, John Vietti, and Fred I Todesco. Held's band of Salt Lake City will render appropri-- s ate music throughout the day and a big dance will be given at s I night. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT URGES MAIL BOXES TO BE INSTALLED On account of the delays caused to carriers at houses where no door-sl- ot or mail re-ceptacles are prvided, it is urged that all who are to receive mail by street carriers at their dwell-ings to provide such accomoda-tions at their earliest conven-ience. It is not the desire of the De-partment that any person shall be deprived of delivery but it is earnestly hoped that all will see the advantages to themselves as well as to the carriers. But if., it finally becomes necessary mail delivery will be discontin-ued where no door-slo- ts or mail receptances are provided. BINGHAM ATTORNEY NOW NICELY RECOVERING Attorney A. C. Cole who un-derwent a minor operation at St. Mark's Hospital some six weeks ago returned to his home here and later developed a severe case of la grippe. We are pleased --to learn, however, that the at-torney is progressing nicely and expects to be back at his work bench about October 1st, where he will receive a hearty welcome from hia many friends. , t ; v The Misses Agnes Quinn and Margaret Grant motored to American Fork and spent Sun-day with friends there. ' SEAGULL CLUB ORGANIZED i. " . : ' The L. D. S. church authori- - ' ties are to be congratulated for ; I the efficient manner in which f they organize, clubs for the bet-- , . , terment of the rising genera- - tion. The latest addition for ' their benefit is the Seagull club. ,'( At their first meeting recently v i the following officers were ap- - ; pointed: Mrs. Connie Mack was chosen advisor for the girls, ' Mona Nerdin, leader, Mary Mas-- ters, assistant leader, with i . Blanche Marriott as secretary-- J treasurer. We wish the young i , Seagulls all the good luck this i t camp can afford them. R. A. ELLIS INTRODUCES NEW MUSICAL IN-STRUMENT R. A. Ellis, a prominent vocal-ist of camp, ,recently made a new musicial instrument out of a cigar "box, a broom stick, and a single string of cat-gu- t. The music he produces from said in-strument is worthy of note hence our recommendation. Bingham f Society Miss Arvilla Shaw of Salt Lake City, who is taking part inthe contest for the most pop-ular girl to be queen fcf fthe Elk's Circus and Mardi Gras was a Visitor to Bingham the past week and was welcomed by her many friends Attend the Elks Circus and enjoy yourself is her adyice to, Binghamites. Mrs. M. L. McCreery "who ha& spent several pleasing weeks in Bingham as the guest of her daughter Mrs. Peter Lotts left fctf her home in Kansas City, Mo. the past week. Mr. and Mi's. George Culli-mgpi- of Provo are recent arriv-al in camp. ' Mr. Cullimore has secured a position with the Miner's Mercantile Company at Copperfield. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McColman of the Elmerton apartments in Markham Gulch, entertained on Wednesday in honor of the first birthday of their little daughter Margery May. A cake with a solitary candle was prominent and ice (cream was served to about twenty young guests. Miss Clara C. Christensen left on Monday where she will become a student at the Univer-sity. T. II, Parsons of Park City, of the Parson's Millinery of that camp spent Wednesday visiting his wife here who now has a big millinery Sale on at her store on Main street. C. C. Gaskkil of the Bingham State Bank will leave for Okla-homa the last of the week on ac-count of the illness of his mother. W. Collins of the "Diamond" was a business visitor to Salt Lake City, Wednesday.) Bill is an old-tim- e Elk and is working hard fraternally for the Elks and their Circus. Howard McColman just re-turned from a fishing trip thru Utah and Idaho, but he never mentioned to the press repre-sentative about that big fish he caught. Miss Althea Christensen spent Friday at Salt Lake City and took in the Orpheum where she saw Theodore Roberts, Miss Christensen claims he is one of the few on the stage whom she admires. Mr. and Mrs. H, Hallett and Miss Opal Halett of Salt Lake City were the guests of Miss Agnes James on Sunday last. Things leak out respecting quiet marriages the latest is that of Leonard Gust, of the Bingham News Job Printing! Plant and Miss Ida Jenkins of Salt Iike City who were mar-ried at Salt Lake City on May 2Cth, quite a while to keep things quiet, but at that time Mr. Gust was employed at Salt Lake City, come in and meet him at the office where he can handle all your job work. r BOY BREAKS ARM Wm. Wells, 14 years of ag, son of Deputy Sheriff Robert Wells, while at play on Monday with some other boys on the front of the old Inglesby home, fell over the porch and broke his right arm. He was attended by Doctor Frazier. - Reduced Round trip Rates via Denver & Rio Grande Western to Salt Lake City, account Utah State Fair, Oct. 2 to 7. Tickets on sale daily, Oct. 1 to 7. Final return limit Oct. 9. Also ac-count Conference of the Mormon Church, Salt Lake City, Oct. 6 to 8. Tickets on sale Oct. 3 to 8. Final return limit Oct. 12. Call on local agent for detailed information. Financial Statement of First National Bank of Bingham Charter Xo. lltKH e No. 12 Report of Condition of the First Na-tional Bank at Bingham Canyon In the State of Utah, at the Close of Business on September 15, 1922. Resources Lonns and discounts 'C,!74.S4 Other lunds. stocks, secur-ities, etc. . :t0,7 11.00 Banking House Furniture mill fixtures 7(!,--M !:S Lawful reserve with Feder-u- l Reserve Bank...- - 3,07.87 Cusli In vault and h mount due from uat. bunks 11,270.02 Amount due from iSt. bks. bunkers, and trust com-panies in the U. S 1 1:4.107.4:1 Total of Item $.'tT,.'ttM.4" Total - 178.:t74.41 Liabilities uipltul stock pit Id in Uto.Ooo.OO Surplus fund W.tMMH) Undivided profits i;!02.2 Reserved for interest and 4,302.20 Iss current expenses, in-terest &. tss. pd. 979.75 ' 3,322.4.") Caxhler's chks. outstanding 25.M5 Total of Items ... 2.T.1.15 Individual depts. subject to check - :M 11.57 Total demand deitosits (other than bank deposits Biibject to Reserve 30.111.57 Other time deposits - 19.CS5.24 Total of time deiKslts sub-ject t Reserve 10,(185.24 'Total 1 78.374.41 State of Utah, County of Salt liike, ss. I, K. Chandler, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly Kwettr that the above statement Is true to (he best of my knowledge and belief. C'rrest Attest: K. CHANDLER. Cashier. l'.KSS V. ROOKUDC.K HURT C. SWAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2tJth day of September, 1922. F. V. (jl'INN, Notary Public, Resideni-- at F'inham. Utah. (Seal) My commission erpiics .Jan. 20, 11925. ' ' When You Know Us and We Know You - h Kindness and Courtesy are wonderful business builders. Many persons would be surprised to know that the growth of th:s institution has been largely due to the ; recommendations of its friends. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L. S. Gates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong: 1st Vice Pres. C. E- - Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier h |