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Show Remarkable Afghan Hounds Owned by Englishman n l I IWIUWI.I..M aa.,.....,.,,,. Q H f ' i Z, 11 a' 'v. II p" " n, . :i This photo, Just received from Knmnn, win titkt'U lit thai mannry.. oiilv kennel of pure-lired Afglinn houndu--tiiat of Major G. Hell-Murray nt Klrkpiitrlcli. Tlie Aflinn nountl Is famouH for Its scent us well as for Its speed AltlioiiRh It Is a "coursing" dog, like the equally-Kpeedy jrreylioiinrt. t does not depend on keenness of vision, as does that Kncllsli breed, but follows a scent like a foxho'ind or u beaide. And It has greater strength and endurance endur-ance than the greyhound and stands the told better. It Is probably the only dog that keeps Its own bretd pure. " |