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Show Financial Statement of First National Bank of Bingham Charter Xo. lltKH Rt-serve No. 12 Report of Condition of the First National Na-tional Bank at Bingham Canyon In the State of Utah, at the Close of Business on September 15, 1922. Resources Lonns and discounts 'C,!74.S4 Other lunds. stocks, securities, secur-ities, etc. . :t0,7 11.00 Banking House Furniture mill fixtures 7(!,-M !:S Lawful reserve with Feder-ul Feder-ul Reserve Bank...- 3,07.87 Cusli In vault and h mount due from uat. bunks '. 11,270.02 Amount due from iSt. bks. bunkers, and trust companies com-panies in the U. S 1 1:4.107.4:1 Total of Item $.'tT,.'ttM.4" Total - 178.:t74.41 Liabilities uipltul stock pit Id in Uto.Ooo.OO Surplus fund W.tMMH) Undivided profits i;!02.2 Reserved for interest and 4,302.20 Iss current expenses, interest in-terest &. tss. pd. 979.75 ' 3,322.4.") Caxhler's chks. outstanding 25.M5 Total of Items ... 2.T.1.15 Individual depts. subject to check - :M 11.57 Total demand deitosits (other than bank deposits Biibject to Reserve 30.111.57 Other time deposits - 19.CS5.24 Total of time deiKslts subject sub-ject t Reserve 10,(185.24 'Total 1 78.374.41 State of Utah, County of Salt liike, ss. I, K. Chandler, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly Kwettr that the above statement Is true to (he best of my knowledge and belief. C'rrest Attest: K. CHANDLER. Cashier. l'.KSS V. ROOKUDC.K HURT C. SWAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2tJth day of September, 1922. ( F. V. (jl'INN, Notary Public, j Resideni-e at F'inham. Utah. (Seal) I My commission erpiics .Jan. 20, 11925. |