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Show ' THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH Remarkable Afghan Hounds Owned by Englishman n f IWIUWI.I..M aa.,.....,.,,,. Q H ' i Z, a' 'v. II p" " n, . :i This photo, Just received from Knmnn, win titkt'U lit thai mannry.. oiilv kennel of pure-lire- d Afglinn houndu--tii- at of Major G. Hell-Murra- nt Klrkpiitrlcli. Tlie Aflinn nountl Is famouH for Its scent us well as for Its speed AltlioiiRh It Is a "coursing" dog, like the equally-Kpeed- y jrreylioiinrt. t does not depend on keenness of vision, as does that Kncllsli breed, but follows a scent like a foxho'ind or u beaide. And It has greater strength and endur-ance than the greyhound and stands the told better. It Is probably the only dog that keeps Its own bretd pure. - Thi u your comer. Make use of it for your bformation on question:i mat are puzrling you. It will be my pleasure and privilege to answer care-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. Your questions must be lim-ited lo too, and your full name and address must accompany each letter. For special information send stamped envelope. All communications will al-ways be held in absolute confidence. " AIL letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink to Helen Brooks, Box ! 545. Salt Lake City. - J V J beat. Beb DtnMt W- - ra In DiTIm Tim, in 1901: m . jhMTpl t v- --- mat iUr. nd has knK , f ' y . ; the Rolio-Pt- h Conu-di-i-. FSx'-j,-, --J . V" 3 RUrt. Ht lat pietnr ' I with Wlle Reid u ld iMU JUV ! t S S fv ft fivt Inche in height,D6 US : pounds, hu ihurn hs'r snd feluta9aa. t drtu. Lmsky Studios. Hollywood. Calif. Wak 5 lae Reid was born in St Louis, Mo. Hat , ben with the Vitajrraph. Un'veraal, D. W. t s GrilTith and Laiky corporations. He is f1 s fet and one inch In height, we'nhs 179 ; 3 pounds, has lleht brown hair and blue eyes. 3 Herhert Rawlin-w- was born In D(ru;P. England, in lgHS. has been with ; "tye. 1 Universal. Paramount and etheriyV 'i'e" tall, weighs 160 pounds, bu broitVVfand t blue ivm. (2) Thomas McighaTi yyottnres , i his name as thouKS It were seli"Main. f (3) Probably fourtten or tifleen years. Am I right t r4 Dear Miss Brooks: 1 May I Join your comer T What would be a proer mnu for a wedding breakfast and what hours are th"T served? A VELMA. Preston. Idaho. Breakfasts are served from half past ten to twelve o'clock In the morning, the twelve jf o'clock brnkfast being ery formal. For j the prenent season, you may begin your break 1 fast with Iced cantaloupe, peaches or grao frVt. followed by broiled chicken, together with a lettuce and tomato or apple salad with French dressing and lastly a conserve with . cheese end then hot biscuit, coffee, tea or choc-- ; J oate. Also have the table supplied with salt- - , ed niits. olives, radishes, etc. If yon wish H , mor elaborate yon may serve fish course i with shoestrjng poUtoes before the broiled f chicken. , . Dear Miss Brooks : ' i I I enjoy very much your lHtle corner ana s I would be glad If I could Join it and be welcome. Would you please answer these few questions I am asking- - (1) What is a ; i good remedy for making tye lashes growT s (2) What can be done to remove moles and warts T Yours very truly. MICKEY, Preston, Idaho. i Mickey, dear, rrad the instruotiona at head J of column and send us your name. I could then answer you direct. I will have to ask J you now to send stamod envelope for reply f to your question In regard to the eyelaih grow- - J er. although many people consider white vas- - i eline very good to promote the growth of the ey laches and eyebrows. Moles are a dif-ficult problem and cannot readily be removed. Tha electric needle Is some times used but is far from satisfactory. A solutir.n of bors and salt in proportion of one teaspoon to pint ' of water and appli d and let dry on the wart. w!H often times remove these. Also touching them with a caustic pencil obtaiard from your drug store will remove them. Be very careful in annlying the caustic not to touch the surrounding skin. Dear Miss Brooks : I have been reading your corner and I am also interested In it. Would like you u answer s few quast:on for me. 1) My B "e Hive symbol is a pond l!ly. meaning cheer-fulnrs- s, and I ran't find or think of a name. Could you tell me alwut it and help me find a name? (2) I have taking piano Mesons for some time and I have got quite a ways in music, but I am very fond of a v'olin, and would like to take lessons on it, but woild have to stop piano lessons if - I did. So which would be beat? Respect. ,! dully yours, loth of Feptember. Tha akin on the Inside of my hapds is not soft What can I do? I suppose you will think I am taking np lota of room but when I start to ask questions I don't know when to stop. Hoping you Can give m good answers and lot ma coma again, I will close, your friend, LILLY, Manti. Utah. Ton are quit welcome, my dear, and if you had sent your name and address as re-quested at head of column, you would have received an earlier reply, as I could have aent your reply personally Not know ng your age, I do not know Just how much over-weight you are. but about ten or twelve pounds, I imagine. I think you can easily reduce nsar that amount by dieting and exer-cise. Eliminate all white breads and pastry, also potatoes and pork from your menu. Take daily walks of from one to three miles. Of course you will hava to make a practice of keeping this up daily or it will bring you no results If you wish the reduction only for your hands, arms and hltis you will have to take special exercise. If you will send your name and a stamped envelope I will give you tha address of person who can give you Instruction for these special exercises. This anrilies to your hair. aln as I can give yi the name of a splendid tonic which will promote the growth of your hair. It sounds very much as though you had "anarled" and "rough d" your hair on the aides, whxh has hroken It off. The hair reouirea good care and attention to tay in good condition, and if it la neglected and mistreated, will show the effect. I would scarcely advise cutting It without knowing more of the general cond-ition of your hair and ealo Are yiur hands calloused, or Just harsh and dryT If the lat-ter, a good hand lotion applied once or twice a day should keep them soft. If they are calloused from ao:ne kind of work, you should wear gloves to protect the palms. Come aa often as you wish, but read the In-structions at head of column before writing, always. Dear Miss Brooks: I ave been reading your corner for some 'Ime and am satisfied with your answers. Here are a few questions I would like an-swered: (1) What can you do to make a boy 'riend who ia very dear to you he honet nnd frank about where and how he spsnds Dear Miss Brooks 1 I hava been very much Interested In your corner, and hava gotten a great deal of In-formation from tha answered questions. I would like to bar you answer some questions for me. which are: (1) What is Vie Nobel price? To whom has it been awarded? For what? (2) Can you give ma the brief his-tory and climate physlcographie of Glacier National Park? (S) What are ten Indian symbols o designs and what ia their meanings ? - Sineerelyy our, A QUESTIONER From Orangevflle, Utah. (1) Tha 8wedish scientist. Alfred B. Nobel, the Inventor of dynamite, died in 189, be-queathing his fortune, estimated at $9,000,000. which should yearly be distributed to those who had contributed to the benefit of mankind to the greatest extent, dur'ng tha year mv med'ately preceding, under the following clas-sifications! 1 For tha most important discov-ery or invention In the domain of physics; In chemistry; S In physiology or medicine; 4 For the most distinguished literary work of an Idealistic nature; S For the most effec-tive work in the Interest of International peaca. Tha valun of each price .is on an av-ra- of 140.000. The last year on record Is that of 1920 C E. Guilleauma, a French-man, was awarded the prise in physics: Prof. A. Rough, a Dane, in medicine : Knut Hamsun, a Norwegian, in Literature; M. Bourgeois, a Frenchman. In Peace. There waa no prise awarded in Chemistry for that year The fol-lowing Americans have been awarded the Nohel price during former years : T. W. Rich-ards, in ehemistry. 1914: A. Carrel, in medi-cine. 1912; Woodrow Wilson, In peace. 1918; E' ha Root, in peace, 1912; Theodore Roose-velt, In peace. 1908. Clac'er National Park haa an area of 1400 square miles, and takes Up nam from tha glaciers, about sixty in number, varying in site rrom fw acres, to several snuar miles B'aekfeet ftlacicr is th most beautiful in tha United Statea as well as the largest, be'ng five milea square, hav-In- g an elevation of 8.000 feet Many of the Rneky Mountain peaks reach a of S.000 and 10.000 feet, the largest. Mt Cleveland, being 10.438 feet. There are 250 lakes in the rark. Lake McDonald, the lam-eet- . lake Me p rmott one of the smallest The strerms and lakea are well stocked with fish. Will your third question until another time. Please read Instructions at head of column. Dear M'ss Brooks: I am very interested In your corner. There Bra some addresses of som fit"i stars I desire If you can aupply me with the addresses of the following: Maa Allison, Gladys Walon. Marie Prevost, Dorothy and Lillian Gish, Mar. Jorie Daw. Marion Davis, Anita Stewart, Babe Daniels, Colleen Moore, Rudolph Valentino Wallace Reed, Wallace McDonad." Jack Pick-for- d. Marilyn Miller. Mary Milea Minter, Regi-na- il Denny and Jack Perrin. Thanking you In advance. I rema'n. AN INQUIRER. From Parowan, Utah Following are the addressee you requested. The few not given I was unable to locate bu possibly if yon send for this few somelm-late- r, I may have them for you: Bebe Dan-le- y Mary Miles Minter. Wallace d and Rudolph Valentino may all be addresed at th Lasky 8tudioe, Hollywood. Calif. : Anita Slew-a- rt may now be located at 800 Mission Road. If Angeles, Calif.; Marie Prevost. 451 So. Hampshire. Los Angeles, Calif, j Marjorie Daw, MO St Frances Court, Los Angeles. Calif.; Wallace MeOonald. L. A. Ahlee Club I Angeles, Calif; Jack Pick ford. Pickford-Fah-bank- a Btudios. Hollywood, Calif : Marion Davles. International Film Co., 1478 Second Ave., New York City; Colleen Moore, Gold-wy- n Studios, CulvVr City, Calif.; Cladys Walton. Universal Stud'os, Universal City Calif. ; LUllan Gish and Dorothy Gish. Griffith Btudioa, Orienta Point, Mamraroneck New York. Marilyn Miller la now Mrs. Jack Pick-for- d and, t.f course, may be reached at hit address. She la not on tha screen. Dear Miss Brooks j We have been Tory Interested In your cor-It- er and have a few questions that are bother-Ln- 7 "i"?1"1 If yon would J!?., them. (1) What will take off rreeklee. moles, warts and pimples T (2) What wffl snake skinny girls fat? (8) What are the ludl" 10 k ,n t year high? 4I When yon have weak eyes wV.at will prevent glass? (5) What ia the best tooth paste to use? (6) What I the best kind of aoeo to wash ur hair with? (7t What is the wv S'JZlf take ouatmfruit stains? chew. (8) Yours truly. nr. .TW MV' Charleston. Utah first question I must ask you to send stamped envelope for reply. (2) Eat plenty of all kinds of vegetables and fruit i-- J ifk Tith, mllk quart d"" t least, nothing wrong with your general health you will put on we'ght, but yon must make a practice of following this S1.M In ?thJera,r,..d"r h,bit A raw egg milk ia also splendid. IS) As I hava told a number of others this depends ao much on what yon hava ia mind for the .P Jtralght Freshman course i, eon f ,rl1.th W1"i f1" r--r course, consisting algebra, history or botany, gym naalutn. music, applied artn, eta would be imposlbl. for me to advise concert 1" 'T"' "'ft tell you to see the best oeculiat yon can reach. (B) There T aplendld tooth pastes that I 7" of'?k wrelnl rkrnonw'n prooducnte, i.nreptahrotriocuuglahr-- IjljTnd.,Jbl Ab ' oP is very randies, butter scotch or "chews" are whole-f?"- f to " J. would not recommend wh to goods, bo.llng water poured through the etaln, will usually remnv. t. If n good, which will fade. H is , difficult t tion. Try on sample first. MARY, Sprlngville. Utah. (1) A symbolic name for the pond Illy has seemed quite difficult. I have had no spee'al "insoiratwn." What yould you think of "Wh!'e S'ar?" I get th s frr- -i the Indian legend of the white lily. The Indians believed that the stars were the homes of those who had walkei across the Starry Bridge of Souls, and one night they saw a star leave the sky and come half way toward the earth. Th.t night a young brave dreamed that the star ca-- anl tr-l- him to ak his w'e men what r ; shape she might take that she could dwell with Ihe red people, whom she loved, forever. The wise men sa d for her to choose for herself. So at first she came to live in the heart of a white rose on the mountain aide, but aha was very lonely, ao she next took up her dwelling In a prairie flower, but great herds of bulTao went thundering by and she waa frightened. 80 ahe again set forth to find a resting place, and as she floated over a great, b'ue lake, ahe aaw her shadow In the water, and sank down to rest on Its cool bosom. The next morning the lake waa eov- - ered with great, white, shining flowers, with ',' golden hearts. The Ind ans said the White Sar had called her, sisters to live among tl.em. They called them "Wahbegwannee, the White . Star Flowers." (2) It would depend on your talents, I should think, my dear girl. If yon think you are not especially g'fled for piano study, and that you are for the violin, why not continue the piano until you feel you arc capable of performing for your own enter-tainment and that of your friends, and then take np the violin atudy? You need piano even tliough you have more talent for tha violin. I would not feel like advising yntt further than this, not knowing upon which instrument you were most gifted. A Questioner from Orangeville. Utah: Hera are the Indian names, with their symbolia meaninr which I promised you last weekt Cikudeaka, song bird; Nanko, path; Minisa, red water; Bonsongee, the new fire; Nichia, river; lola, to trust; Okiiu, to be united; Ohiya, victorious; Onchiota, rainbows Anan-gon- a, little star. Dear Miss Brooke: I have been Interested in your corner for a long time and thought I would Ilka to ask you a few questions (1) If you are going home alone, and a boy, whom you do not like, comes up and takea hold of your arm with-out asking, and you do not want him to walk home with you, what Is the proper thing to say te him? (2) I desire very much to attend hiiih school this year and need some xoney to buy books, etc Can yon teU me how I can earn money in my spare time? Thanking you in advance. SUNSHINE. Utah. Tell him you prefer to go home alone. Thta should be sufficient, and would be proper un-der the circumstances (2) The field seems limited as to varieties of ways to earn money in a email town, but If you are at all adapted for it, you can do well by taking subscriptions to popular magazines or books, which can be obtained onl) through agents. If yon wish to send your name and stamped envelope, I ran give you the address of a publishing com pany who paya quit a liberal commission. i?s nigntsr Z) How ean you make yourself a''a well in company? (3) When yau ar. with a steady hoy friend. Is It proper 'o put your arm on the baek of th seat nd rest your hand on his shoald-r- If not, how should you ait? (4) What kind of things should a g'rl start on when she ia preparing a hope chest? (5) I have been going steady vlth a boy for one year, and he has given nc two pieces of Jewelry for presents and 'our other pieces because he wanted to. I' Se were to qu!t me, what should I do wi 'he Jewelry? He has told me he never would "aka the two that are presents back again. ut he nfvef said any'h'ng about the rest If he does not take them, is it proper to vcar them like I always did before the part-'ng- ? (6) What are nice presents to e W f7) Is it proper that a girl going steady ith a boy should chase out with other boys? iP) What is a good course for a girl to take 'n school? I mean a h'gh school edrl Thank-'n-you very much for your trouble, and hoping you will be able to anwer them all without delay With W o' t i..k I .m BRIGHT EYES of Utah (1) You ean do nothing, my dear. If he loea not care enough for you to tfll you. Do not " nag" Perhaps this ia the reason he loea no tell you because yon ask him. He nay feel that it is his own avVr where ind how he spends him time, and I'm not ure but he Is right - If you are more than mere friends to each other. It fa a different iroxsltion ; but I belWe you are too young to be more than Just friends with hnys. (2) I cannot tell you what to do, other than 'o be pleasant and agreeable and consider he other feltow'a feelings always. Cultivate a pleasant personality. (S) No. it ia not pro--- er to rest your hand on his silder Car "Iding does not require such a different post-io- n for the hands than when sitting In a "hair or any other place, do yon think? (4) There) are Innumerable things. Bright Eyes You might begin with a lueeheon set, or a ahlecloth. pillow alips, underwear, pillow tops, able runners, etc. (6) It Is usually considered roper to return all presents of valu after a "tsundersandlng. but it depends en'r.ty Bnnn tha parties concerned as to whether you wear the unreturned ones. () Would denend tnon how king you have known him. Bright Eyes It Is never wise o giv exoenslve -- reents. A book, linen or ailk handker--hief- a. ties or a leather bill ease would Se amiroprlate rifts. 7 The diction-ary Informs me that "chase" means to pur- sue; to hunr.; to drive away: nut to fl!eh-- In case you do not wish this result, I do not advise such a course (8) So mu-- h decent toon what you are fitting yourself for. If 'or teaching, the normal course would be ad-visable: if for business, the commercial : If 'or higher education, the English or aelcn-Mfl- If for a heme maker, the domestic sci-ence course would be beneficial. As you ailed to comply with the instructions at head f column, by sending your name. I em com. --elled to let your loiter appear In the order -- ecelved. Dear Miss Brooks: I have been reading your corner of the paper for some time (1) Will yon please tell me how I csn tell what dance a boy la going o dance when you get on the floor with Sim? (2) How old should a girl be when she ta.r.ta..t.o go with the boyi? Youra truly. IDAHO GIRL. you. who are dancing with the bov -- annnt tell what he Is to dance, how could t. my dear? Follow his lead is about all you -- an do. unless you ask him before the dance begins. '2) You should be at least sixteen, 'daho Girl, M iss Brooks j Dear lady, please answer the following --ueatlonsf (1) How many uses la there for slum? (2) Are there any merma'ds? If so -h-- H Who miMishes the hook rall-- d "WW the World Believes In"? (4 WWe do '"vil f".h live? 'Si How msnv families are here In the Uni'ed Sta"s? () How much ' alum worth per cwt? (7) How much Is salt er ton ? . JD. P. Fayette. Utah. I will endeavor to answer a few of your uestions. snd I will have to rail your atten-Io- n to the rules at the head of the eolnmn. nd on'y two oumtinnt each time Rend vour o'her ours' ions another time with a stamped !V:tr .liia Brooks i I read your corner every week and vain great deal of knowledge from It. I girl of seventeen. (1) Do you think It I. pro! per for a girl my age to keep steady com-pan- y will, a boy? (2) Is It a boy's o gir place to give thanks for a dan-e- ? (3) Is b proper for a girl to read mi r. cite poems from them? (4) Is It proper to never seen? (R) I, It a hoy's to write first? (6) I. t proper "orVgW to sit on a boy s lap at a party where (her-are- n t enouvh chairs for all? I hope I hVeV occupied .11 h, 'Pace, but If you will answer my questions I will thank you most grate-lUJtj- i im enwlope for the answers. (1) Hr-r-re a few uses for alum. I would be scarcely He able t tell all of its uses! For adulters!-n- e eheao bskine- - ponder, to hsrd-- n fats and n!W, o fig colors In dying and In the tan-ning of leather It Is used In medicine ss n emetic. nojeTiy in ees of lead poisoning, m a mesnsf 'irn'ng heiorrbagM, and for various oh.r nur""-e- s. m 7he mermaM b wrely The nri!n t the myth l imposed to ret In th hnmanlllie annearsnce " nisi ln af'mals, such as the seal. IX) I do not find th's ee title Are yon ! yi hsv the proner title? 14) Mo- -t devfl 'i-- h Hvt in the warmer ocean, water of, America and feed on any living thing which 'hry ean "vater. (S) Aecnrdins; to the latest! --.nsus tWe are ?14l.J4't fsmille in the with a combined pnmilntlnn of tft.". 710 (,) Alo-- n Is wo-'-h eb"ut U M " evt. n New York, which with frelpM idd-- d "Mld ml It ahout ,.no n F,u ' ake. Sail is 122.00 per t..n in Salt I.sks. 0-- -- Vs. rtro.ikr. : 'sy I nvr your ry rernrrT I womM .e yci In snswer tllMse fe-- oue-'t'on- f r Will yon pl'S" I,!! nm"V'v n-- flntiicts Wsllsp, K.id and Her- -' - RawTn-nn- ? C) Flow d y u iwnnogiw. '"si the ninvie actr.r ? 11 .lj ' think I am Iv my writing? Unj w an srvt'- - --en T rms:n IWANTOKNOW. S".in ri'y To be snre yon rpsv mr dar. Ill "Some, hing" Is rather indefinite, but I mill do mj K0PE tdsho. (I) Seventeen is very young to give all your time and atfenik.n to one boy t vou think you could enjoy yourself better to JusT have a few good boy pals to go about with? You are too apt to Imagine y mrself fc,Ve before you have had an opportunity tn know enough difTrrent types of boys and mn to '7'' llf Prtner from, don't yoU thnk boy always thank, hU partners f , Vm' L you menlion the Use of the malls, so this W. aufflclent reason why yon should not read It or recite poems from It 4 'there csn he n particular obleetlons to y letters K.iwr boys and girls even though you hsvo not seen thn. (51 Alwsv. the hoy's place t., write first ) Ceria'nly it is not pron,, Tliere could not n.sibly he any eeue for surh conduct at all. Dear Miss Brooks: I certainly enjoy the and answsr, I find In our rster ever sn( lni, eou csn answer my u'i- - t'. m ss well s hers I in q.,ile fat snd ou! Hk. in l elHc,,l. My b, ht U five fct seV,n ,,ch,. Weigh 113 runds N.i v,r,st cn 1 do? V. ands snd arns and bitsi - lb, or( .t,. s:' Is had, too. I don't like to cut It, bu i!o,-- not ev. o come to my shoulders ( j si.ii-s- . but In th brk il eoro!' to hu Csn you please tell me whether to cu t An let m know fur the Fair, if y.c iso Tbe Fslr vlll be the 13th, 14th ami j Bishops at the General Episcopal Convention I l $ sV,a jflvt 1 If? !' &A'w ht 1 I I'art of a procession of bishops ut the general convention of the l'rotestant Kplscopal Church In America at Tortland, Ore. WORMS TO EDUCATE HIM ' - 1 at -- n - w......y fusw.a Paul A. Webb wanted to enter Al-leghany college, which la situated In western Pennsylvania, but was rather short of fundi). Itevertlng to a nat-ural ability to gather Ashing worms and "hell benders." Webb went Into the business In a legitimate way, and goon bad sold enough to flnhermeu tor bait to pay part of his expenses. So lie engaged others to carry on bis little busineHs, and from the profits that he realized is able to pay his way through ollege. City for Which Holy War May Be Started iWse-A'.- V. '' -- 'JjLu- I !( at -- "vrii-'A ' j rrrn -- ri I Mustaplm Keinal Pasha, leader of the Turkish Nationalists, nays Con-stantinople must be restored to the Turks, and Cenernl Townshend, the hero of agrees with him. This view of the city which may be the bone of contention In a new "holy war" was taken from the war ofllce tower, looking northwest toward the itoxphorus and Statnboul. KEMAL AS ARAB SHEIK jafjr"itimwuMw Aw 4 j A J h f! sH i 0yy J, a tsm t , m kj T'iiu inre and unusual photograph of Muntaphu Kc.inal 1'ashn, the man of the hour In Vurkey, shows him wear-tai- l the untMtial costume of Aralda in oui.llmunt tha Arahlan nllles In i Jd nmv ' i BUSINESS COLLEGES .. T. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All commercial branches. Catalog free. (0 N. Main 8t. Salt Lake City. PLEATINQ BUTTONS Accordisn. Side, flog Pleating. Hemstitching, . Buttons. Buttonholes. Kid Corset Parlor. 40 5 nroedwry, Rait Lrke, Clt. i RKB YOUi? PUBLISHER lake your Bonk Binding any kind to your m J cat printer. LeKh's Trade Bindery. Salt Lake. i yfe mm P PRODUDTS Hf"ne grown on our finest garden arel t ruck-farm- s PIERCE'S product! (rurally mut be of a better quality ' r no place in the world h then s.i:l, a matchless tlimatP. Buy I'll. :.E'S. Boscoe Didn't Like "New York at All i 'J'l.e biK' lly had 11.. utinn tinns ,.r , l.i.rins f,,r l'.os.-o..- R r,,nu. owno, 1. Mrs. May K.ndrl.k ..f Imt Worth. T.-x- . Mrs. Kendilck went tn ,.w nr the ini.ntlis api and left r,voe with friends. Time days af the city va nil the d could stiiiid, and m. I. -- ,Un awa.v" t his Texas heme. Hair nil te.l. his usual plumpness-- Rmie, a.ld I, is ( rtnrc, I'.oseoe arrived jit tin k'f drii k home In I'ort Worth, having v.i ::.ej .,11 the wny. |