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Show PERSONAL POINTERS. Clarence E. Cline, of the local real-estate real-estate firm of Cline & Boyer, returned re-turned the first of the week,, from a prolonged visit in California, where he has been attending to business busi-ness matters connected with the large land holdings which his firm .has, in the north end of the county. Robert Matheson, the well-known well-known Milford tailor, has taken a little time from work this week, to attend Conference in Salt Lake. Gaylord W. Martin departed for Salt Lake, the first of the week, to "take in" Conference, which is in session in Zion. Walter Blackner and Miss Margaret Mar-garet Murdock, two well-known and popular Milford young folks, were attendants at the big annual Conference Con-ference in Salt Lake. The chief objects ob-jects of their visit is told elsewhere in these columns. County Clerk Edgar White, spent several days in Milford this week, |