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Show ' . . " thiTbeaver county news . . R. S. RAMSEY, Managing Editor. Published every Friday at Milford, Ltah. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $ , Sw Months n.00 Three Months oOe One Month 0,, Y8ar ,'" p A(lvertislng rates upon application. Entered at the Post Office at Milford a, second dassn. All subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rat. OUR CANDIDATES CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS CHARLES E. HUGHES ftySBM AT HOME LET'S KEEP Jffim J i Jte'n ABROAD THE OLD FLAG fe V"3 ct. .Au ON THE SEA RESPECTED fSTT ' I ?' JrS? 1 l POINTERS. o If the News phases you tell others; if not not, tell us. If the News looks good to you, send us your subscription. sub-scription. "The best good of the community" is the motto of the loyal citizen. "Community unity" is the one magic recipe for community prosperity. 'Jealousies in commercial or religious life" has been the eptitaph of many a dead town. The Democratic Congress has passed into history his-tory may be call it profane history? , This Administration might be characterized as a "You kick me and I will kiss you," affair. Now that the baseball championship contest is over, Americans can get back to their knitting. lioc mnrtp a. bust of the A man in vv ciMungwi' -President, thus anticipating Mr. Hughes by several weeks. Up in Maine they are now rhyming Hughes with Moose, and there is reason as well as rhyme m the combination. 'An overwhelming vote for Bishop Burns from Milford," is the slogan of the hour. We need such a man in the State Legislature. When will friends of the Adarnson bill quit referring re-ferring to it as an "eight-hour measure," instead of a simple wage-law ? Or is it wilful perversion ? Residents of Milford should get behind this High School Lvceum course of entertainments and make it a huoe success. Anything that tends to elevate a community should be encouraged heartily. The News is fortunate in having secured the cooperation co-operation of Mrs. Irene B. Vickers, teacher of Domestic Dom-estic Science, in the Milford high school m the con-due con-due of its Home Economic columns. Mrs. Viewers "know how," and her articles, as they appear each week, will be followed with interest by our housewue readers. 'N OTHER GOLD BRICK. The Democrats sav the Republicans have ignored ignor-ed th fanners in thewav of legislation, and point prondlv to the Rural Credits law, otherwise known as the Hollis bill, the work of the present administration adminis-tration The News would invite thinking Democrats to follow the letters now being published m this paper pa-per illustrating the working of this law. No better answer could be returned to the will of Democracy, o -o MORRIS WILL WIN. Ho" Nenhi L. Mooris has not yet sponken in Mil-fo'-d but. v.-ill be here before the campaign closes. Everywhere he has made addresses, he has carried hV-u'cUeees by storm. He has not had to resort to anecdotes ard funny stories to attract and hold the attention of his audiences. His talks have been full of m-at a'ld he ha riven the voters of both parties, foodforW'-w thrv-erfct. Mr. Morris is a successful l-,4'Vv-n. rs i? also his vh-al for the governor-shV'Tv governor-shV'Tv h: .lovvU has also the elements of a states-m.!;1'.;,V.l states-m.!;1'.;,V.l a'ta' executive?, wlrieh his opponent, juclg-in'v-Pr.vr Ws re?ordcd utterance over the state, does m piv-ru- to os.-ess to any marked degree. Mr. r.v--iV ' ri.vht or. moral questions, from principle r ;;,t"from -ohey a-d lias the backbone to stand ly- I'i ; COiiyict '..T.. '-' H:- i- the sort of governor Utah nerd-. He will iv: r wrw r. i COMMUNITY INTEREST DEMANDS IT. Bishop W. J. Burns should be sent to the Legislature Legisla-ture by an overwhelming vote. Aside from Mr. Burn's well-known fitness tor the place, people of Milford and this end of the county coun-ty should take pride in seeing that he is successful in'his campaign. In the county party lines will not be so closely drawn as in the state and national tight ; many staunch Republicans will cross their ticket in the county contest, who would not do so m the state and national elections. Some Democratic candidates will receive material Republican support; there is no use denying it because it is a fact. This being so, cannot our Democratic friends in Milford and surrounding sur-rounding territory, reciprocate to some degree especially es-pecially when the candidate for the most important office of Representative is a Milford man? The News only refers to this "crossing of wires" in county matters mat-ters as a condition, and one which it is foolish not to recognize. Voters of this vicinity should work for the best community interests., regardless of politics, pol-itics, and Milford voters, whether Democratic or Republican Re-publican should pull together for the election of a Milford man, especially as that man is recognized as clean, able, public-spirited and broad. . o KNOWING WHAT WE HAVE. The people of Beaver county need to be awakened awaken-ed to the fact that they have one of the most important import-ant mining counties in the State. This statement is endorsed by no less an authority than Processor Webber, the noted mining expert, who visited Milford Mil-ford last Sunday, and later camped for four days at one of the well-known mining properties Protes-so- Webber has been here before, knows the mining fields like a book and thoroughly believes m Beaver county's mineral richness. He not only believes m the county's pre-eminence as a mining proposition, but he' is markedly enthusiastic over it. He believes that there should be no petty jealousies between promoters pro-moters of the various mining properties, but that all should pull together to the end that Beaver county coun-ty may take her rightful place among the big mineral-producing counties of Utah. The NeWs is trying to help in the exploitation of Beaver county, especially her mineral resources not "hot air" promotion, but truthful publicity oi. the facts, and to this end, invites the co-operation ot mining men throughout the county. This paper is gradually increasing the space devoted to the mining .riterests" and will be glad to publish live mining news from any and all of the Beaver county mines. We rant to hek the mines and encourage their promoters, pro-moters, and thus help Milford and Beaver county m general The operators are urged to send us news of their properties as frequently as possible. o LAUGHTER OR LOGIC? Simon Bamberger, Democratic nominee for the governorship, has been with us. As a story teller and radiator of general good ' humor and optimism, Mr. Bamberger is a success, but to one given to careful analysis, his speech ox Monday evening embodied neither argument nor logic, simply a shallow attempt to live up to what is usually expected of a candidate "make a political speech." ...... , 4-1, .,nli!ocnrl nnrl lihovci Limn H PH. HIS 3(1- dress offered no food for serious thought, but it kept his audience laughing, which helped the speaker to "get away with it." His reference to and treatment treat-ment of the Adamson bill as an "eight-hour" measure, mea-sure, revealed at once his ignorance of the real substance sub-stance and object of the l;rv in question. Surely a man of the reputed edacalion and general information informa-tion of Simon Bamberger knows that the so-called "eight-hour law," was neither more nor less than a wage law, pure and simple, with no restrictions whatever, what-ever, as to the number of hours a man shall work. The real student of public questions and national issues, who is willing to absorb new thoughts and ideas from all sides of a exertion, unbiased by partisan parti-san affiliations, has no trrre for light lunches- of humor hu-mor and short oirles of conceited personalities, when he is out looking for a good, square mental p-;-t-. THE NEW ATKIN HOTEL The bc-autv of its spacious public rooms, as well as its daintily invitins chambers, is most unusual in this part of the State. This hotel meets the wan ts of men and women of exceptional excep-tional tastes at a most much lower than you would except. Every improvement and convenience at your call. The best thought of, and most talked of hotel in Southern Vtali. A LA CARTE SERVICE AT MODERATE COST I Milford Leather Goods Company j. , , WHIPS - HARNESS - SADDLERY i i, i ii - " ' 1 HARNESS AND SADDLES f Built to Order V, . i Auto Tops Dressed and Recovered I I ' SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY DONE J I VISIT THE EAST j AND I YOUR OLD HOME TOWN I "HOME VISITORS" EXCURSIONS Via Salt Lake Route. " Denver Council Bluffs, V0 Pueblo, , Kansas City, 1(0 Si Minneapolis Omaha V JJ, J St. Paul. St. Joseph, VoTV Chicaco Colorado Springs, X.JJJ Chicago, j Sale Dates October 21, November 8, 25, 28, December Decem-ber 20 and 23. j RETURN LIMIT THREE MONTHS. I For rates, time tables and full particulars, see j Agent Salt Lake Route or write ! H. E. BANNING, Agent, Milford, Utah I J. II. MANDERFIELD, : A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City. i Cleaning and Dyeing ! at City Prices i Work Guaranteed. We prepay the Return Express or Parcel 1 Post Charges. Clothes Insured I MEVS PUKE LIST. Imf? Oc ! French Dry or Steamed Clean- Men's lac i ed and Pressed. LADIES' PRICE LIST. iHuits f?i.ro Coats !' Ci". "l Vests f-incv 5'.) Pressed W aists K :::::::: . or tnci,.si.m t $1.25 t . 50 Waists, plain .to 1.00 h"":::::::: i..- ; h; .N 2.00 Jackets 1.00 to .5.00 " V.VZV.'.'.'.'.".' .r0 Opera Coats 2.00 to 3.00 i suit's Preyed 75 . Cravenetles 1.50 I Overcoat Pressed 73 Tailor Suits .... 1.50 to 2.00 i Co-ts Pressed 50 1-piece dresses.. l.o() to 3.00 Pants Pressed 25 Wrappers a n d j ' UYE1) AND PRESSED. Kimonos ! to l.uO j jJlack Colors DYED AND PRESSED. I Suits $3.00 S3.50 j f 1 75 2 CO Rlack Colors ! (rcoats :::::::::::: :oo 5.50 waists $u t i.2. Vests -50 .50 Skirts ! to 2.;0 I 1.2.-, 1.25 Coats 2.00 to 3.00 , CIOVF'; Jackets 1.00 to 2.00 ! Short 10c Suits 3.00 to 3.50 I Special Prices on Other Work, Plaiting, Repairing, etc., Will be Made on Application WORK GUARANTEED CLOTHES INSURED DALY AND HARRIS ' PHONE NO. 29 ; Milford Pharmacy Block Phone Wasatch 2364 w. H. Enselman. Sec. & The.s. Associated Consulting Engineers ORE SHIPPER'S DEPARTMENT MOOCHERSl Arc vou PAYTN-' '. Fi:i:rr;TON WAT'-::!'? A rf '". t M -IT rM-s I. X . fl -.! V I . ; A iv c in" pai.l lull vi,!-.,.. for jrour ..r-. nr.. ,., I.nt- or,- l. wge-n,- i..M-irc...l an-t an-t other !.ni.n by Imi-roiirly ....... Or.U A.C. , .r,. vottr spnl.-Pic.it ; rrnnfl as lb -y s!:o-:M h - V. not. os ..oo,-lt for yn. ; ' ,, i -t p,- t, ' I'..-: s an.' - ni-.-it. rs to t ti:t! our t ; -cm s or.- ;;;:;,r;,n;t .u .-!u-v-;-;;-;.r-h:-:::iv1:: i-::,--; !,;.; ni.-ii-.-.i on a;it'ltc:r i"tt. , c at . - : - tt - a . . o... . .. .. a, t. h y m, . CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT M. i.iai Dcsiimcrsnf Mine. Mill- I'oa-.-r !a in -uial Sua 1 aral foncr-tc St rualtn-t-s MINING DEPARTMENT V. II. I'a.tKIa; Min,-exaniinat inns a,al rSZ'ltZntrllnT rvi,""n;'uiws METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY A. I-:, ft -ria: Mctall.irsic-al t.-slins lairtitorU-. l-no-ia:.,! mill l..--'s of all kia.is, prr.uc-s-. in vrst iral ion, p. PEUGEOT, Manager I 602-603 DOOLY BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY i |