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Show If you are looking for results, re-sults, advertise your wants in our want Column. Golden Rule brand coffee, 50 cents grade, 4 0 cents. Packed expressly for us. Golden Rule Store. Adv. 10-14-tf. I A Properly Built j I Hog House is one of the most essential j I things in connection with B 1 profitable hog raising. Such 1 a house need not cost much money nor take long to I build. The most important j I thing is a thorough under- I standing of what the pigs 1 need in order to thrive. j I Dryness, sunshine, warmth, j exercise, fresh air and freedom I 8 from drafts, are of primary a importance. I 1 In putting up buildings, ! I therefore, these six require- ments should be kept constant-I constant-I ly in mind. Not one can be safely neglected. Why not come in and talk this over with us? We carry a full line of building materials and will be glad to give you the benefit of our experience. A . y r:4- i BONNEVILLE Lumber Co. ! Milford l,u?ul Modona. ATTORNEY FOR COUNTY Russell E. Parsons Regular Nominee of Democratis and Progressive Parties j " E. B. J0RGENSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Phone 4 Mili'ord, Vtah I Open Day and Xi;ht When in Lund Patronize THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness, Comfort, Courtesy, Good Service REASONABLE RATES Headquarters for travel ! throughout Southern Utah LUND, UTAH Mrs. E. L. CARTER, Prop. MATHES0N THE TAILOR MAKER OP UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES. Milford Utah Phone 13 Notary Public SAM CLINE Attorney-at-Law FORMERLY OF CALIFORNIA MILFORD -:- -:- -:- UTAH CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land CASH OR TERMS Some Specials in School Lands MILFORD, UTAH J. A. ING0LS Mining and Civil Engineer, Engi-neer, U. S. Deputy Mining Min-ing Engineer, City En- ; gineer. MILFORD, UTAH PHONE No. 67. . ' Tombstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. J0RGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH I 1 Shirley S. Atkin ; Attorney-at-Law Office MILFORD STATE BANK BUILDING MILFORD UTAH Phone 19. I GOLDEN RULE STORE ;jW MILFORD - UTAH Winter Is Here! We have received our full Stock of Winter Goods U Jil Our line of S Men's Flannel Shirts and Underwear is the largest in Milford, at the most reasonable ' prices. kVi . - ? We Invite Your Inspection l4 Si WATCH for OUR CIRCULAR 8 ' kv 1We have just received a new line of MEN'S CAPS, in the newest styles. jft lt flWe will have a special sale next week don't ' forget! THE GOLDEN RULE STORE PHONE 10. I JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. I . FANCY GROCERIES all kinds of MEATS. t Hx Vea1' Pork' i 1 VsA Mutton, Meats, J 51 Fresh Fish Every Thursday and V Friday. Hf . Fresh Oysters every day. : We specialize on High Grade Coffees, Teas and Spices. J MILFORD Everything for Blasting, t ttt a ii HERCULES POWDERS, U1AH GIANT POWDERS, j X Phone No. 20 CAPS AND FUSE, t MINING SUPPLIES, and J t SPORTING AMMUNITION. t JSxSb, We Sel1 the Famous OLD MASTER COFFEE, Vj! f and specialize on f -"J Chase & Sanborn J u TEAS AND COFFEES. t FOR THE HOUSE nips, Parsnips, Carrots, j WIFE. , Pears, Peaches, Plums, J Celery, Sweet Spuds, Apples, Oranges, Ba- J Cauliflower, Bell Pep- nanas, Muscat Grapes, pers, Egg Plant, Cab- Tokay Grapes, Concord J bage, Cucumbers, Tur- Grapes. 1 JEFFERSON Mercantile Co J i Leave a Standing Order With your grocer for Royal Bread. It is shipped, ship-ped, fresh every day, by express to Beaver County dealers. The fresh, crisp loaves look like they had just come from the oven. ROYAL, u ran BSf Table queEN tgr is so good that mother willingly stops baking. It's made of three to four of the highest grade Utah Flours, blended in special machinery to produce a for sale perfect bread. Order it ,N MILFORD BY from your grocer. BILL & BU-L to GOLDEN RULE STORE ROYAL BAKING CO. t. w. sloan & co. |