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Show Half-soles sewed on, $1. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. CThe Kind Mother UsS ' "Every time mother gets out Calumet Calu-met I know there's going to be good things to eat at our house. Delicious, tender, tempting, doughnuts, biscuits, cakes and pies! I've never seen a bake-day bake-day failure with Calumet. Mother says it's the only Baking Powder that """"Onsures uniform results." 1 i Received Highest Awards !! ""Y tf'to C 1M Frrr Sr, jT V j S. Mr Pound S Cheap and biy can Baking Powders donot save you money. Calumet does it's pure and far superior to sour milk and soda. Watch our windows for the latest creations. Golden Rule Store. Adv. 10-14-tf. Classified Advertisements. LOST Seven year old white horse with cut tail, marked "L. M." on left side. Finder of same will get reasonable reward from Mr. Chwasteg, round house. Adv. 10-13-tf. FOR SALE Light weight tractor. Fully equipped and in excellent condition. One-half factory price. Inquire of Milford Distributing Co. Adv. tf FOR SALE A few choice lots; easy terms. See J. Matthews. Adv. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good span of Work Mules. Enquire at News Office. -Adv. FOR SALE Several horses, cheap, mares and geldings. Orpheum hotel, Milford. Phone 81. Adv. FOR SALE The new McDonald Apartments, $600 down, $81 per month $5,100 in all; will take the building. Six apartments. Call on or address J. K. McDonald, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. MANGANESE MINE FOR SALE Assays over 42 per cent. Opened ready for ore to be taken out. For further information write Mrs. M. J. Loring, Monroe, Utah. Adv. Fitted and unfitted Horse Shoes, all styles and kinds, at Burns & Bird Co. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres of deeded land in New Mexico, three miles from town. Value $1,500. Want stock of goods or furniture, or house in town. Enquire at News Office. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE 150 acres of timber tim-ber in Coleville County, Washington. Wash-ington. Original growth 2 million mill-ion feet. Want land or house in town. Value $3,500. Enquire at News Office. Adv. tf WANTED Second hand 6 h. p. gas engine. See B. H. Matteson, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. tf FOR SALE One pony, buggy and harness; one four-horse fresno; one seven-foot disk, good as new; one brush grubber; one set of heavy work harness. Enquire of A. C. Ferguson. Adv. 10-6-tf. Ferguson. Adv. 10-6-tf. If you want the best in Painting, Kalsomining and Decorating, go to R. G. Siewert. Adv. tf Before ordering your Wall Paper elsewhere, see R. G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Salt Lake or any mail order house. Make your own selections. selec-tions. Adv. tf Now is the time for horse blankets. blank-ets. We have them from $3 up. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. Everything for the horse. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. Now is the time to fix storm curtains. cur-tains. All kinds of auto tops repairing. re-pairing. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. You Just Discard Some of Your Wearing Apparel $ lS Simply because they were soiled, had Jn faded a little, possibly needed a little re- 4 pairing or a few alterations. & That is Money 3 I Wasted! 5 Because at a very little expense we 4 w could clean such articles thoroughly, re- ji move grease, grim, and stains, repair fsb them where they have worn through at jjft Sedges, put on new linings, new bands in skirts, new buttons on the coats, and Mj many other things so that they will do w for another season's wear. M & fiThen again, take your better clothes. Have W you gotten a stain on them? Have they be- , come smoky, or did you accidently spill some- sjj thing on them, if so, let us demonstrate to you 7 that we can handle such articles and the most r delicate fabrics, absolutely to your satisfaction. IjSend goods Parcel Post or Express. V4 We will make you city prices and prepay J return charges. ; pVe will be glad to have you bring in & . your FURS. Evening Gowns and Cloaks ?S and have them returned to your entire & satisfaction. . jwl I DALY & HARRIS I ft PHONE 29. MILFORD PHAR. BLK START THE DAY SMILING Let the cozy, ready warmth of the No Waste No Smoke No Odor Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater help you get upon the right side of thebed. Sold at hardware, furniture and g"en- A touch of a match and it sends forth eral stores. The Perfection burni warmth in a minute. It is light and Conoco Safety Oil, the handiest and easy to carry. most economical of fuels. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (A Colorado Corporation) nHWi B Denver A Silt Lk J&C&jlj& ci.'V H EST SiKtoS k" |