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Show LYCEUM COURSE. I iist KiiK-rtninmi-iil Will Be Given ) -tolx-i- 2:ii(l. The first of the Lyceum Course 'entertainments will be given at the Milch School, Monday evening, Oc- j tober 23rd, ami three oilier numbers will be given as follows: November ,16th, The Mount Vernon Singing j : Party; April 3rd, Schildkret's Hun- I i garian Orchestra; December 6th, j .l.ihn B. Ratio, t he Well-known char- j acier impersonator. Tiie committee having in charge j these entertainment, desires to an- nounce that the tickets for the course j are on sale, and may be had from any j member of the committee, the per- j sonnel of which was published in last week's issue. Or, they may be had rrom E. H. Street, C. T. Woodbury, Wood-bury, Shirley Atkin, the high school faculty, or at the News office. Tickets Tick-ets for the season will cost $1.50. The object of this course, is to bring to Milford the highest class of entertainers and lecturers that are i to be found on the American rostrum. ros-trum. The Home and School Organization Organ-ization members and officers will be satisfied if they "break even" on the expense; they will make no profit out of the course and are going to this trouble and expense solely in order to foster this class of entertainment. enter-tainment. The first number of the course, which, as stated, will be given on the 23rd inst., will be a lecture that will be worth the price of admission, to be delivered by |