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Show DOINGS OF THE BEAVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Appoint Eight , Supervisors. Select Ten Judges of Election Fix Date of Their Next Meeting'. The following record of the doings of the County Commissioners. at their meeting, just held in Beaver, has been kindly furnished the News by County Clerk White. Upon application of certain property prop-erty owners from Reed, Beaver county, coun-ty, the County Board decided to make a trip to the lower Valley for the purpose of investigating the advisability ad-visability of designating a County Road to meet the County Road coming com-ing from Millard County on the north and running to Milford. It is proposed pro-posed to meet the Millard County Road on the east side of the valley and run along the eastern side until un-til the lane is reached at or near the school house then cross and keep the west side of the valley to Milford. Mil-ford. The people have offered to do the grading across the valley on condition con-dition that the county will furnish the bridges and culverts and accept the road after it is completed and maintain it thereafter. The following road supervisors were appointed to drag and look after .the State Roads in the county. coun-ty. Wm. J. Robinson from Beaver City limits to the corner of J. M. Mur-dock's Mur-dock's corner. Abe Heslington from J. M. Mur-dock's Mur-dock's corner to the Parkinson hill. John G. Jones from Adamsville to the Reservoir. State Road Agent August Theissen is to look after the lower part of the road. James A. Low is to look after the road running south from Beaver City to the Iron county line. Harry Hodges from Beaver City on the north to Indian Creek hill. E. T. Twitchell from Indian Creek hill to Wildcat hill. Lafy Bradshaw from Wilcat Hill to his residence on Pine Creek and Brose Barraclough from Bradshaw's house to the Millard county line on the north. These men are to be under the joint direction of the State Road Agent and the County Commissioners. Commission-ers. The following judges of election were appointed: Beaver No. 1, A. A. Morris, George Murdock. Jr., Henry Fraxer. Beaver No. 2, R. H. Barton, C. F. Harris. W. S. Tolton. Beaver No. 3, Frank Low, James A. Low, Sam White. Greenville, D. W. Barton, Zeland Morris, William Easto. Adamsville, T. L. Griffiths, Fred Gunn, William Evans. Minersville, J. H. Rollins, John M. Griffiths. Orren1 Burke. Star No. 1, E. H. Street, D. A. Baxter. E. C. Barto. Star No. 2, Garratt Wilkin, Wm. B. Sherwood. Parley Fisher. Grampion, J. P. James, J. M. Goodwin, D. D. Kendriek. Newhouse J. P. Johansen, E. H. Butterbaugh, S. H. Fotheringham. The board will not meet untfl November No-vember 13 next month on account of the election. |