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Show LATEST RETURNS From Minorsville Student Election. Elec-tion. Even the agitation of the great national compaign was eclipsed h' the school circles !; Cr." r.-cent Student Stu-dent Body Election. S."f l. licke was placed in the field evidences of a hot campaign have &reel us on every hand. Few of the device:-, cm-ployed cm-ployed by the professional politician, with the exception, perhaps of mud-slinging, mud-slinging, have been overlooked. Posters Post-ers announcing the creeds of some candidates, cordial chattings and greetings more profuse than usual and some pine-nut treats add the flavor of real political propagranda. Wednesday afternoon, the Northeast North-east room of the second floor of the school house became the palpitating center of the hopes, fears and aspiration of the students and candidates. can-didates. The lull in commotion of the polling was soon counterbalanced by the fever of counting the votes. The entire student body watched the blackboard as Clarence Corbridge announced the result of each ballot. Bertha Gray and Frances Wood acted as tellers and each ballot changed the hopes or fears of the aspirants. After the last ballot, Albert Burke, who lad been defeated as nominee for tresident led in a rousing cheer in 'avor of his successful opponent, 'lanley McKnight. showing his prop-r prop-r attitude and magnanimity. The otcs were as follows: Ballot. Tresident Albert Burke, 40; Uanley McKnight, 40; George Davis, Vice president Leroy Smith, 33; 'crnard James, 2S. Secretary lrma Blackburn, 40; ybile Eyre, 20. j Treasurer Fay Hall, 47; Jennie-Walker, Jennie-Walker, 13. Yell Master George Davis, 4 4; Claud Myers, 9; Victor Myers, S. i At the general assembly held Friday Fri-day forenoon, the officers were formally for-mally sworn in with due ceremony. After other business, the assembly adjourned amid the inspiring yells and cheers. There can be little doubt that the large number enrolled in the Junior High School of Miners-ville Miners-ville this year will receive a working work-ing knowledge of civic affairs that has no precedent here. |