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Show NOTICE. The public is notified that the Duck Hunting Section at and near Hay Springs in Township 29 South, 11 West, is Strictly Private Grounds and that no trespassing will be allowed al-lowed for any purpose whatsoever, without permit by Dennis Ryan, owner, own-er, or by J. W. Curtis his agent, Atkin Hotel. Adv. We Have Opened Our 1 ! . $fMmv New Store ! Li Which Will Be xJ? Devoted Exclusively To U ' I MEN'S WEARING APPAREL f ! j Special Values at Special Prices will be Offered. This Store will be devoted exclusively to providing i the needs of men in everything that comes under the head of Wearing Apparel; such as i MEN'S WALK-OVER, FLOSSCHEIM SHOES, And CAPS, SWEATERS, MACKINAWS FOR !l SOPHOMORE SUITS and OVERCOATS, MEN and BOYS, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, COOPER and RICHMOND UNDERWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS, ! ARROW SHIRTS and COLLARS, HATS, GARTERS, ETC., ETC. Sl j IjThese articles are all from the best makers. They include most every popularly advertised brand Therefore you may feel sure of securing articles that will give you full value for every pennv they cost i you. To add to this we stand behind every article that leaves this Store and if at any time you feel ij that you did not get what's coming to you tell us and we will see that you do. Exceptionally fine !i values i IN BLANKETS, BEDDING AND COMFORTS, I AT A SPLENDID SAVING. j piany months ago we placed orders for these goods. At that time prices were much lower than they are i today. Consequently we secured them at a low figure and sell them to you for a price that will in- i i sure you a splendid savins; on everv purchase. i I - .-- -- -- - -- - . METZ Five Passenger Touring Car t ! Modernly Epuipped, Electric Starter and Lighting Light-ing System Quick Demountable Tires $600 f. o. b. WALTHAM MASS. Roadster and Express Cars proportionately Cheaper. A. G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Beaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator Ask Your Grocer to Send "Utah-Idaho" Hundreds of house- You're always sure of wives have already the purity, sweetness formed the habit of and quality of Utah-specifying Utah-specifying Utah-Idaho Maho Sugar-the stand- o mu j n. 4. i ard of Sugar perfection. Sugar. They.don't take Its gugar in chances with the purity sures succeSs jn y0Ur and quality of Sugars preserving and fruit shipped in from other canning. More econo- places. mical by the sack. Utah-Idaho Sugar ABSOLUTELY PURE Just the Typewriter jiggfe lorYoj I SOLD ON JUST THE TERMS 1 THAT SUIT YOU 1 The Our latest product, the latest tiling in typewriters, the I j machine for which YOU have been waiting. g g The Junior is smaller and lighter than the Standard Remington I i models weighs only 17 pounds. f It is simpler. You can quickly learn to operate it. No lessons E needed. ! j It has all the Remington essentials, standard keyboard, standard type, and writes letters of standard size the kind with the hundred-dollar look. sells for $50 the first absolutely first-grade machine at a medium price. It is sold either for cash or on easy payments $5 docn and $5 a month. ! You are not asked tc buy I the Remington Junior ly-V'tV- v"f v' ' ' I until you LowiKactly I W what you arc getting. We im - -- 1 1 - m, ... - ' -- "unmi 1 !wiil send it on ten days' examination to anv ad- Remington Typewriter Company, dress within the first and (b.u-n-orau.j) second parcel post zones 327 Broadway, New York, of any Remington branch office. If you decide not Send me a Rrmington Junior Type- to keep it, return Within writer, j.ritr 5 50, on free examination. Ilia jj ten days no obligation underload that I may return the machine, K involved. chnose, within ten days. If dtcide S Here is vour chance, vour ,0 F"' - 1 tT (" " in ' I firt chance, to get' the monthly payments of J5 each. typewriter you have al- 9 w ays needed. Cut out this c coupon and send it to us. S I I " f Beaver County News, County Agents |