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Show NI. "oo. F. Milford Lodge No. 42, I. O. O. F. mets every Monday evening even-ing at I. O. O. F. Hall All visiting brothers are cordially invited 4 J. A. Ingols. Noble Grand Arthur Wood. Secretary There's only one right way to tune a Piano A. W.WINDBERG An expert in this line does it the right way Agent for the celebrated BALDWIN PIANOS A. W. AYIN'PBERG, Milford -:- -:- -:- Utah Abstracts for Mineral Patents WILLIAM HURST Licensed Abstractor Beaver, Utah Examinations and Reports on Troponins. it C. T. WOODBURY ATTORN" KY-A T-EAW BANK BUILDING Phone 7 1 Milford Utah FIRST C L S S PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING and KALS0M1NING DONE BY BAUER & BECK Late of Los Angeles ALT, AYOKK (Jl'AU AN'TEEO Prices Reasonable Call on us for estimates. PHONE 5 Dr. 0. E. ADKINS DENTIST BANK 1U iLPlNd. PHONE SS Milford Utah Newest styles in men's Caps, just arrived. Adv. 10-14-tf. Catarrh Cannot Ea Cured witn I.C't'Af, .WJ'i.I'".'i'i'it"S. n s thy , crmnot r :.h r.- t r.f th" isrise. Cstirrh a ! !.: it, erfttiy in-fl:- nr. d i.y r r.? tl l -,. ' . . ;.; ' r ' .ti-.r.s. r. : d l -l ' r to ( ;; - it y e i rr. ' : : t tik'' an :n'-rr.:.l r- r. "iy. "!' I'.'r (' i - ; 1 .I . r . ; 1 - 1.'.. 1 U - r q - ' - I - . ' it -i ' 1 , . it"' .!'' i-i t i r 'P ' - - . : ; . ', :'' i .1 - n : ' I - ' - - ' - -. - r -.-,1 r-.re..- ".- ' '""" V'" ', Te'lo, O. i; ... :- . r - ' : -n. SAFETY FIRST. You'll find this the safest and best place to buy your Fall Clothes. Cleaning Clean-ing and Pressing a specialty. Adv. 9-29-5x. MATHESON. the Tailor. Be wise and advertise in the News. A. F. McCULLEY i i Let Us Save You Money On Your Fall Purchases Have you noticed the extremely effective way in which our prices are boinjr kept down in the face of the unprecedented Merchandise Crisis On every hand wc hear o f higher prices. Every mail brings us advances on every class of merchandise mer-chandise on the market. We have been fortunate in having large stocks bought and contracted for mouths ago before the prices advanced. For instance, our underwear for this fall was bought last December. Our Fall stocks are coming to us at about 20 per cent less than the market price today. This saving will go to our customers On every hand prices are being advanced but we do not expect to advance ours. Come to us for your Fall purchases and save money. A. F. McCULLEY Winter Will Soon Bo Here NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR IT ! We Handle the Well-known ALSO THE King and Hiawatha Coal And do not forget that these are Utah Products WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE FAMOUS ACME Quality Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes MILFORD LUMBER COMPANY The "Stu'c'cn Service Ilot.-c" MILFORD - - UTAH |