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Show NEWS NUGGETS, HOME HAPPENINGS, TERSELY TOLD. Hotel Arrivals From Far and Near. Little Items of Interest Gathered From Sundry Sources and Briefly Bulletined. The News is in receipt of a card announcing the birth, on the 7th, of an 8-pound boy in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson of Elsinore. Congratulations. Sheriff Cutler of. Beaver was a welcome wel-come caller at the News office this week. T. W. Sloan is erecting a large hay barn just across the railroad tracks, to accommodate his large feed business. busi-ness. Frank Parrent of Lund, visited Milford on business, the first of the week. , The Student Body of the local high school is giving a dance tonight. "The Two Pumpkins" dance, Hal-owe'en Hal-owe'en night, promises to be "some pumpkins" in the way of a masquerade mas-querade ball. A Saxophone Quartette gave a dance at the opera house, Wednesday Wednes-day evening. Work on the additions to the local roundhouse are nearing completion. J. W. McAllister, the enterprising barber, has just installed two new hydraulic lift chairs in his parlors. The Golden Rule Store, with its usual '"up-to-dateness," has gotten out a full page poster announcing its Fall attractions. " The Eagles will attempt to form a lodge here and will hold a preliminary prelimi-nary meeting in the opera house, Sunday afternoon. Word received from H. F. Ken-naby, Ken-naby, formerly of this paper, states that he is on his way to Chicago, possibly to his old home in Canada and will be gone for some time. H. C. Lewison has removed his family to the Wittenbrock residence, rorner of Imperial Avenue and State highway, on the Project, Mr. Wittenbrock Witten-brock having departed with his family fam-ily for California. County School Superintendent White has been in town several days, this week, looking after school mat- |