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Show TO GAVE OLD MANUSCRIPTS Japanese Silk. Thin and Transparent, Is Passed on Them and Preserves Pre-serves Them. In the prepprvatlon of rare manuscripts manu-scripts and books an additional safeguard safe-guard has been found In Japanese silk its use has removed o fear that long existed in Hip minds of librarians that the rare old inanuarrlpa would dry up and return to their original elo tncnts Fortunately, however, the employment ot a silk of extreme thin ness and transparency has settled the question of the life ol theae nianu tcrlpts lor the next two or three hundred hun-dred years at least I'.y that lime, ferbaps, some other method may be discovered This Kllk Is thinner th;m the thin Beit tissue paper, the threads being fitter than spider wrlift It Is panted over the manuscript so liriuly that it wards oil all dust ami air. and yet Is so transparent thai it does not Inter fere any more with the appearance ot the maruKcrtpt than would an ordinary ordin-ary pane ol g!os It strengthens the manuscript o that the danger of but dling is reduced to a minimum. States llbrury ol congress has bad In hand the examination and protection ot all lis old manuscripts, employing for the puri'ii'te the pilk mentioned rnleu on,, ir nn expert In ohl manuscripts, manu-scripts, nc Is unable to reennril.e the fact that the -!k has been used |