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Show rtoodls Sarsaparilla So combines the grcnt curative cura-tive principles of Roots, Barks and Herbs as to raise them to their highest efficiency; hence its unequaled cures. Get it tol.iv in uminl liquid form or chocolated tablet called Sareataba. 1 BED BOUND FOR MONTHS. Hope Abandoned After Physicians' Consultation. y.f. Knot Sheerer, Yew and Washington Wash-ington Sts., Ontralla, Wnhh., nays: "For years I wa weak and run down, could not sleep, my limbs swelled and gj- kidney secretion J&Li. .Pv wero troublesome. I fj?l "" A was fust In bed four v3(vY months. 'Three doc-V. doc-V. tj i toni said H"fo was V trZT'.j Do euro for mo and I viV'w- was given up to die. ' VV!' ,)oan'g Kidney I'lII. , 'VVV Boon I was better and In a few weeks was about tbo bouRo, well and strong again." "When Your Hack Is I.nme. Ro-1 Ro-1 member the Name DOAN'S." 50c a box at all Mores. FoBter.Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. jjjfo Rheumatic Pains fc? S fcfcty relieved JT"! W V Trf Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of l) l 1 K MS any sort It penetrates, without rubbing, AV k-X trouK1 t'ie muscular tissue right to the "rA wA ' py bone relieves the congestion and gives lJim permanent as well as temporary relief. My XcfoJ Here's Proof. ( l MLnffJjh A W Lay cf ljafjye,,e Ala., writes: ljfyJ lfyfll ' I had tfieuir.aliam for five year. I tried LZTs Al II doctor and several different remedie but SJli Savin! fwA ,lie7 t)i1 not "'I me ' oUalned bottle ll fa lj ' Sloan's Liniment which did me so much il vi vE3 f001 l'iat wou' not d 't'out it for anything." X V ij Thomas U Rict of F.aMon, Pa., writes: "I have used Sloan's I Jnl- mewt and find it fiist-cUu for rheu-niatic rheu-niatic pains." V Mr. G.G. JoNitsof Baldwins, L.I., w '. write: "I have found Moan's Ian-iment Ian-iment par excellence, I have u-d It for broken sinews above the knee I cap caused by a fall, and to my great satisfaction 1 was able to resume I my duties In leu than three week alter the accident," LMMEIf 1 is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. I No rubbing necessary you can apply w ith a brush. I At all dealers. Prlco, 25 o., BOo. A $1.00 J Sloan' Book on Horses, Cattle. Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address I Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON. MASS. I Vw ' m ii t il il mn i nm in i ail I III II lirfTTi"1 A Good Watch UshI to cost a pretty penny. Now If you want fiooJ tlm piece you can net it of u for very little. Dl guarantee. tmyji MAIM St ALT 1AM CUt VUH Writu u. Australia and the Argentina be: ewprs them pasture onotliird of all M heep In tlu world. m ii i i "Nobody Saves Tomorrow" Today is a good time to ojen a savings account with $1 or more at Walker Brothers Bankers Founded 1859. S.h Uke City BUtnk Lcre by mail. OUril Intnniounuin Bunk. ILigh cheek bones are said to ladl-t ladl-t great force of character in some lirection. Insure in sure insurance" ! ere Iho rie winning trmli-iimrk mn mtui. Vi.iur l the riw fur trsilcmsrk It J f.. Kmilli. lliili l Mlnwirtli, lu nv.-r. l oin. Wimwfftl Hi" irtw fur niiitto l Hurl Arm-tniim, Arm-tniim, (. K't llilrJ S.iutll Btm-t, Halt LalfUtj. fuh. TTh )tfl,ia of th' ronttt wrp- A V. kr. lii cii-ritl Mumvi-r of tlw Stilt IJikc Trll.ini- mi-l l .-li -kuiii: W. W. AriiMircitr. I'rt-.i'lctil of th Natlnnnl i'l'Vfrt ilikiik ol hull I.nk ( lt (no t'l;ilion lo th( nioiiii irtc ulMiicri; J H I'rllrlilow. Munau'if ol Wuti-rn twl Co.. hlt Lukis Var. Ho ntiT ii-lirim sml molloa w"ri mihmlt-4 mihmlt-4 tn i-iii'rtitioii Hinl tliu )n ti(. loi.n.l it iiii..iimii'I- to n.'rivf Ht (l-.'i.lon tr icifilpr M. ami ihcn lori' akki-il auU ro i-iicd an lewu.ni of tltMi. Tt CttNTIS F.VTAf. I a Mromr Wi-ntrra mMiwnr, di'voti'il to (fin iiiIuiIiiiik ol thn Wi 4. It writi-a a polli i win. h mya In cae of mrktwma or ari-Mi'tit. ha wt-ll a c'liiublmlig nar othi-r air( live iioiuu. Watt-fa tliv C oiitilii ntul (row. Continental Life Insurance & Investment Company V. N. Cunningham, General Manager Mua efflce, MeCorniek Bldg., Salt Lake "Ui.ure In aure Iti.urancp." Tk out a iiolli-y TDAT ki Hie t'oiiti.K-iital I. id-. I The finback whale Is called the "greyhound of the hpii." It speed tlirough the water equal that of the fust eat steamship. EN WANTED TO TRY OUR D. & T. TRUSS tiattw", HIiouM-r Brm-M. AM itnlnal Sun- I "wtr-i. Kla-lic llo.ii ry. Ttu- km I Hint iiVaw, 1 tuarani. .Hi or moin'ir rrliimli- l. Mull nr lt'ii t ivt-n iiromiit alli-iition, EX DRUG CO. Cut Rale Druggist Oar.Ttanl Ho. ami Wi-t T-miili. Halt I nk cut Tf w1 A TOM I IVt aad PCR- KtPTrH Drunkenness aid Opium Diseases. 11 k a pMt'Ht. m ikara. I ,lnt hnltl r h m m IW ra km THt kf.f l Er I. mart, in w. u !-. swi. s.n u. cnr. !. -'l w"-!a7c mt um, m i r.uit mm I .l-mn .l-mn iHnwnam, ? !,, I at fT(PNCH) . t. TS5?Pv WE MAKE IT EASY "ffjaWja T"t jrn to own a. IIANO- a.riivli5 mn tl yyu morn'v i .-r AiO n,,""r l'r ou livr. "V- guaram.a aaf .l.-ilvrry 0mm- y iI3 n awtlr attfrtl.tn. TS rita ti. iur pn. mnU 1 f If iff Lti nif-r will Imarrat rii-t COksniioATto music CO. mj t.n Laka Cil. Ulak ' aJ!tt:IHI!li.W.II.U J I II .ti tlutl.lniK, a.l U.i t ,y 11 I It .1 m Wr.t i.j l. all jrai S f in H'iii- an-1 Miorl haul 1 .nir..-.. iA i.u- lot Milmtn.i ..ti in K i; Ii.vi. I'riii. Mrs. VilIouiitijr Cumuiinga is tne Aral woman to receive the honorary lere of doctor of civil law from Xing'! f-ollepo, Wlndaur, Nova Scotia. W. L. DOUCLASSv 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & '4.00 SHOES Jg Men and Women wear WJDouglaa ahoea iT because they are the beat shoes produced in c fi. this country for the price. Inaiat upon bay 'rf';:'rfv Vv' Ingthem. Take no other make. ?f? VV MSTrZ THE STANDARD OF QUAUTY FOR OVER 30 YEARS 0 The assurance that goes with an etab- 'X0.K p y lished reputation is your assurance in buying iM'jffit'!&y tS W. L Douglai shoe. .. if H I could take you into my large factories ' at Brockton, Mats- and show you how $-?-' i0$&f' carefully W.LDouglai shoes are made, you M$k'?$0$$ J k would then understand why they are war k Mf;00 ranted to holJ their shape, fit belter tidf$L Mit& fV wearIongerJiananyc4hermakeforthepricel"j3Vl iyvvT. CAUTION Th" "'"" ' W. I- IataelE&nf :'W W$W JHJii! an.l prlo .lamu.1 on bottom fo'iSd rWL, 4'aSQ If yoa cannot nhuin W. U rn.uglaj ahn-a In : I'Af ftf mr IMITH- ijf-i.oiiur in j2T."'w.r"" '"' M,o'!' """"I 3 OMMO.,H miii po.HIi,i-,r iH ?l A J A"l ' Wl- 1 I I HI "f rdlr, .IM NtULAff. 145 (tvark hU, It rtx k tou. Maaa. fast Voor t ;(( ttelunuely. WILL YOU TRAP THIS SEASON! IT 30 YOU WILL WANT OUR COMPUTE PRICE U5T0N RAWJURS"" JVstun US A y TAGS A WW 1 1 PAY WMAT JCrVTVTXJ m CfUROI I WC . JOUAJnfl NO Vi VQUOTl V DEAL VcOMMlMloV DIRECT BUYERS" OF FURS LOTZbROS 113 113 ELM STSiLQUIS. tfc? Thompson's '- Eye Watei aalaa niter t j Muu, mmmS to , mmm m wlmt, DEFIANCE STARCH Honored by Women f nnSrUi! J u'hen p""" oi her -w I WUV; y tileoc eeeret eufferinf ah T 'T-- J J tniale you. Millions have be 4 MUlt X ijr dence on Dr. K. V. Pierce, J ' ValLr1-' W(j Ol Buffalo, N. Y. l-very. J nLT-"!" where there are women who Wlmlti ST witoeee to the wonder. I lJpiM working curin-power ol Dr. " Sw tlitim r I'ierce'e I evoriie 1'reacripeioo f "" i: (? which save the luffrrinf Ira I ' 1 CHflOC-j)) fnm P. suocea.lully f f I 1 vj, CTTcrc ' rapple with woman' --L- ' ' I. Bctaca 4 ttubbam ill,. SSjyfr'ff t -I IT lAKC5 NVK WO.nCN STRONG -S IT flAKCS 5ICK WOMEN WELL. .roT,, J; No womao'a arrI waa tvtr mUJIrrcfed or rr ooo-' VJv. J . Cdence miplacd when aha wrote for edvioe, to jJliVfej J te Wou' IiiraNar MiraaL Aiiouaiiun, Dr. iL R. V. 1'ieree, I'reaident, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Phreft Ptaani Ptlhtt Indue in 1 14 mmtmrnl W ain mmca m alar- (Tperfection ffiffi ; e !a erry mi l waiW -ms-cf yon n a Perf-rtW t 5aokrla Oil I leal. It youi bfdroooi cold U yn, drna ' J2;l0! Dywn pflei-lhecrllr It il J V . ; , cru.1- wh ike wind teL-e. mtomd the cipoanl coert ol XVT your houM y. A r Iftine 5ll4rV- 03 I W-r bring, ro-ir-U com. J J ' V - " ' eh Alwa;a StaJy l lm t-t bo-i tK tumi a ia thiL ' fK J Ak - A- W l r. . rVUri Oi 1 intm i ar r' v. Humuiui taaar -; af f Continental Oil Company- |