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Show A PECULIAR NEW AEROPLANE It Unusual Shape I Expected to Ob viat Present Difficulties Inventor Inven-tor Claim Stability. Paterson. N. J. W. A Gary, of Pat crson, has built an aeroplane whiel looks as though It might easily "maki a noise like a hoop and roll away ' But It really can't, Moreover, Mr Gary thinks It has solved the probleu of stability, and that Is the thief prob lem before the flying machine today Mr. Gary thinks his aeroplane hai met the Wright patents and avotdet any Infringement of them, while al the other successful flying inaehinca A Queer Aeroplane. It It claimed, must pay the Wrlghti royalty. The Wright and other flyer nieel changed conditions caused by gusti os wind on one side or the other, bj warping the main planes of Interme ('.ate planes. If they didn't their ma chine would kld sideways Into the first air pocket and be wrecked Mr Gary' machine presents a side rldinf at the bottom of ibe hoop In wl,lel Us three planes are endowed, bring) the renter of gravity of the tnacblui to low that It ran t tip over. It li now awaiirg the building of a heavj motor to have its final trial. |