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Show MEADOW MISCELLANY LA. Gull, Chroaklc Representative Mr. McDonald of Los Angeles was in tow n last Saturday and Sunday buying buy-ing beef and veal and on Monday 133 veals and 80 beef were taken to Oasis for shipment. AH felt well satisfied with Mr. McDonald's prices and good treatment, and we hope he will come again when we have anything he can handle. Last Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock some one broke two windows of the Meadow Creamery building and entered. It was discovered to be an Indian who, it is supposed, was hunting hunt-ing lemon or ginger, but was unable to And any, and It la not exactly-known exactly-known whether or not he meddled with anything. He was held until the town officer came, but was soon Riven his liberty and rode off at full speed Some effort was made to have hlui arrested ar-rested the next day, but the bird had flown, and nothing Is being done at present about It. It appears that the Indian had been to Fllliiwire, and from some source had secured some Are water and desired to get a new supply. sup-ply. When he cane to Meadow, but was unable to get his wants supplied and rode off to sober dow n. Dr. Stevens has been called to the home of Joshua llushnell twice during the past week on account of the 111 health of Mrs. Itushnell, but she Is reported on the improve at this writing writ-ing George Nixon of llolden was In town today looking after his cattle interests inter-ests here. Wm. Fenniiiiore and Knyniond Bar-ten Bar-ten of Kauosh were here this week and bought some alfalfa seed, also Mr. Dan Illar-k of Deseret has bought some and will lie here Monday to receive re-ceive it. Mr. and Mrs. John Gull, one son and two daughters left for Mantl when? they vxy7vl to remain for a moults j dolna'i &ipJe work. W ;tafw-fnfthT ?rnt"v?Jui. on our'Uatcr system. We are now-ready now-ready to lay the pipe from the spring to the cistern. As soon as this is done we expect to complete the work through town, All who desire a good cool drink from one of the purest springs in the- state come to Meadow In a month and get it. |