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Show FebelsIake towns CHINESE REVOLUTIONISTS MA TERIALLY EXTEND THE AREA OF THEIR OPERATIONS. Government Stronghold Captured and as a Result the Rebels Appear to be More Abundantly Supplied With Artillery and Adherents. Pekln Two Important towns, Kiu Klang In the province of Klang SI, and Slan, capital of Shensl province, have fallen Into the hands of the rev cdutlonlsts, materially extending the area of the uprising, disheartening the government, and giving new confidence con-fidence to revolutionary leaders. Slan was regarded as a government stronghold. Consular reports from Klu Klang say the people roue on the evening of October 24. They burned the taolul's yamen and declared In favor of the rebels. The Imperial troops made no serious resistance. General Yin Tchang, who commands com-mands the government forces, still remains at Sin-Yang Chow. He de-mauds de-mauds reinforcements before taking the offensive, as he leurned, accord Ing to bis report to the administration administra-tion here, that the rebels are abundantly abund-antly supplied with artillery and have many adherents. A steamer from Ichang crowded with Chinese soldiers reached vVu Chang Tuesday under a white flag. Ten Meter point, which Is being for tided by the rebels, is consldrcd t the greatest strategic Importance, as It commnnds the railway and river approaches from Hankow. A message from Hankow says the revohitlonlsts have advunced to a point eight miles north of that city near to where the Imperialists, in unascertained un-ascertained numbers, are entrenched, protected by swamps on both sides of the railway. |