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Show Ismet Sanli Will Interpret Modern Turkey to Knife and Fork Club The Orient will come to Cedar i City when Ismet Sanli, captivat-1 ing young Turkish woman will address the Escalante Knife and Fork club on the evening of March 31, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting meet-ing will be held at the Escalante Escal-ante hotel. " Plans have been made for this gala affair and a large attendance is expected. Since she is in close touch with the Turkish government as well as the leaders of all Moslem countries, Miss Sanli is quail-field quail-field to bring a capsule of information in-formation of present day attitudes atti-tudes toward the United States and world peace that cannot be secured through any other source. She holds the unique position of being the only Turkish woman wo-man authority in America. Because developments between the United States and the Middle Mid-dle East have created a curiosity curiosi-ty about nations and peoples In that part of the world, Miss Sanli has been asked to interpret inter-pret the Moslem countries to the local club. For several years, she has been a noted Journalist for Ulas, Turkey's leading political poli-tical newspaper. She is familiar with the struggle of the 18,000,-000 18,000,-000 inhabitants to adapt themselves them-selves to western society's democratic dem-ocratic way of life. Miss Sanli received her early schooling in her native land and completed her preparatory work in France. Later she came to the United States to study at the University of California and at Columbia , University where she majored in political science. She was the only woman member of the Turkish delegation at the San Francisco conference and the United Nations conference. Her ft I ' H ' w" 1 h ' 1 I I ISMET SANLI credo is, "No machinery for peace will work without popular good will behind it." During her tour of Europe during dur-ing the summer of 19-17, Miss Sanli conferred with the leaders of Turkey and those of the other Moslem countries. Miss Sanli will be brought to the local club through its affiliation affilia-tion with the national organization organi-zation which enables the several groups to provide outstanding men and women as speakers on their platforms. |