Show fragrant breads offer pickup pick up to average meals meals that seem deem just a little bit too plain to serve or those which need a little touch of something sor to make them more interesting are aro just the ones for which a fragrant and fruit filled quick bread can do wonders two of the favorites with fan families ulies throughout the years are an orange date bread or a banana bread either of which can be made in double quick tune plan to have some left over if that s possible because they will win make excellent snacks either toasted or plain with cream cheese as a spread many a simple meal can be en with this delightful orange bread if you like it s easy to dribble an icing over the bread while still warm for this use 1 cup of confect sugar and tablespoons contrasted cont rated orange aice orange date bread makes I 1 loaf 23 cup sugar 13 cup soft shortening 2 eggs juice and pulp of one orange plus water to make I 1 cup 2 cups sifted flour I 1 teaspoon baking powder vz 12 teaspoon soda 12 2 teaspoon salt vi 12 cup shopped nuts I 1 cup shopped dates mix together sugar shortening shorten mg and eggs blend thoroughly stir in pulp and juice sift together flour baking powder soda and salt and stir into first mixture blend in nuts and dates pour into well greased loaf pan let stand 20 minutes bake in moderate F oven of 50 to 60 minutes banana nut bread makes 2 no 2 cans 12 cup shortening 34 cup sugar 2 bananas mashed 2 eggs beaten 2 cups sifted flour I 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 12 2 cup nuts cream together shortening and sugar add bananas and eggs grad bally add sifted dry ingredients mixed with nut blend thoroughly grease 2 no 2 cans fill FIJI 34 full with batter bake at F for one hour |