Show L the oid mule train A reminder of the old pioneering west have you seen the old mule tram that has been around town the past 2 weeks during the last 5 years this outfit has traveled 13 miles says yellowstone pete its owner five years aga yellowstone pete and his wife alma took to the open road searching for health they had lived at belgrade montana for 15 years when misfortune struck in the form of illness both pete and alma were once in the hospital at the same time while their daughter was also very ill medical doctor and hospital bills piled up until their savings were wiped out and chev even lost their home when he was finally able to leave the hospital hosp ital fete pete was too frail frad to start in bus bust ness again that was when he hit upon the plan of living in a covered wagon and traveling about the west and the south with his picturesque mule tram train until last december his wife traveled right along with him but just two days before christmas in 1904 alma suffered another stroke she is now a helpless invalid in a nursing home in indiana yellow stone pete is trying to carry on a lone zone now selling pictures raising mules trading merchandise and entering parades etc to make a living his wagon and trailer are drawn by six patient mules each wearing a different toned bell the two lead ers are named raisins and honey the other four are called peaches and cream ginger and cherry prunes travels along side the wagon while davy crocket really rates this little six week old white and blue spotted donkey always rides in the brauler the outfit is able to cov er 1 3 to 19 miles a day on the high way yes the old mule tram is a reminder of the old pioneering west that has disappeared in the r mist of time now it is the atomic age the uranium rush has given the old west a new face and new outlook |