Show 61 19 so comments from dixie aaa J NO J by E A DAVIS cleveland tenn what V happens to a town of 18 when the population is increased overnight lite rely by 10 del agates members of a one week religious convention 7 last fri fn day night they began to pour in trains busses autos jalopies anything that would roll and they came frani jail comers of the coun try i once a year in september the church of god of prophecy gathers all who can pos come into a one week gon conclave clave for a gigantic revival herein cleveland they even came in airplanes there were about 35 of their all white red let planes at the airport hotels motels rooming houses and vate homes were hard pressed to ge get them all under a roof and the aunts the dog tired bl blank ink look 6 on n the faces of the waitresses seemed to say it its s impossible we just can cart t feed all these people holdo hol hocog do 9 stands were bur ridly th rown up on every vacant space still they came a continuous stream unabated one fellow told me he made over 2000 at one of these stands they overflowed from the sidewalks into the streets ets filled the ci cit parks arks ahe court house yar yard I 1 and into ever nook and cranny between W wednesday e they staged a mile long parade down main street with their airplanes flying overhead in f n th e shape of a cross with the center i position vacant in honor of one of 0 lasts their buddies who was killed last I 1 week weak down mississippi in dusting crop blau plenty of new cars in the parade in eluding bishop tomlinson tomlinsons Tomlin sons s new the constituents had ld so gen presented to him ally the whole town turned out to see this exhibition and there was mich goodwill evidenced by hand shaking joking and exchanging of pleasantries bour ayr parking and traffic laws were bere rere soW ehat abums acied buto I 1 one seem ea eto to mind tod much especially the 1 etc gil ang B business sindis riad been in the and this convention was like a shot bf b dref they rhey want rid dd coave discordant note tir tor in herup the beautiful fui melody of the iash registers song the ta bernac e is on Cent cental central ial av ave due and it has field crammed and dinning over almost 24 hears every day all the streeta street in that wea area were were roped I 1 off because of the milling chow ds the people seemed to flow in eddies continually bater in a running stream L then as sud suddenly deril athey had come they were all go 01 beveland b comparison looks a ghost own now you can buy asard U a aunt or feht haroom a I 1 oom th ili ere is plenty of room on the sioe sidewalk walk and some of the bench benches csir jn the parks are ate vacant the old t timers imer 4 sare are back a on their favorite perches around the courthouse whit lagand and dis cussi cussing ng politics and crops and swap ping yes its all over for this tins year aad hd we are glad but we certainly tope they come back next year its lots of fun and excitement and too |