Show folks around town by JANET HOWLAND folks around town most of our local news this week concerns the melon days celebia tion and with this festive occasion there were many out of town tors to this community I 1 cant be gin to get the names and residence of all the people who were visiting for the week end but here are just a few mr and mrs herb de weese from provo and mr and mrs D W bos well from beque colorado were guests of the jack macnays for the week end mr and mrs carl anderson and family carlos wilcox from grand junction mrs budge wilcox mr wind mrs don wilcox von taylor and mr and mrs glen young from Dr agerton were visiting mr and mrs warren thompson for the week end mr fred from seattle washington is visiting mr and an d mrs bill rowland howland jr mr is betty howland howlands How lands s father mrs jackie daye was admitted into the mesa memorial hospital in grand junction sunday evening for a major operation occurring from a accident some six aga mrs daye will belm be in th the hospital at at least mast seven d days ays i f 1 ar A kir jag and d M mrs 8 rodger fluckey wish to 9 announce the engagement aff their laughtee jackie delong to alt jay cefere son of mr and mrs john Vetere Sr the couple win will be married sometime in nov ember and will make their home in green river the nimble thimble sewing club will be having havin 9 a food sale and ba saturday october 1st at the LD S church I 1 fc I 1 1 i |