Show URANIUM NEWS jesse james uranium mining and eipl exploration oration work in m the green river district is still going at a f fast ast pace new de posits of commercial ore are being found by drilling over a wide area and new shafts are being completed and put into production new corn com banies are coming into the district w with ith plenty of finance back of them an and d it looks like the uranium busi busl 11 ness is settling down to a more sane condition than awhile back when so many new companies were being formed and all kinds of crazy deals were being made by promoters pro motors just to get hold of some claims in order to form a new company the recent investigation of the U banium stock sales and new regu lations by the state and federal security commissions will help a great deal in stabilizing the mining business certain types of business need risk money to do prospecting and exploration work and there is alenty of that type of money but the mining and oil business have had more than their share of shady promotion deals where the felloe who put his bis money into the venture had ayery slim chance of ever get ting anything out of the investment except a pretty gilted stock certini cate cu ale jt most new money oney that is I 1 coining into the uranium business now Js ls principally other companies companie s that have surplus capital to invest and can see the future in atomic pa p and are willing to invest on a large scale but they are not mak ing wild deals or getting in a hurry to invest before making a through in invest before making a thorough in vesti gation as to the merits of the properties this may not please the promoters too well but it will sta blize the mining industry as well as other businesses connected with mining which is what industry needs most at this time the mining industry is going to have to organize like the oil indus try if it is to avoid running in into to trouble A commission should be appointed in every mining state and headed by the governor of each state and other pers onel connected wa with th the mining industry to meet once a year and work out a uniform and united program concerning all types of mining by having such an can make the their wants and troubles known to congress and get action for in unity there is strength organization the mining industry there is no reason why a program cannot be worked out whereby do bestic mines can keep running full time tune it may be that their prodoc tion may have to be prorated in order to not get in m a bog over supply ly on hand and have the prices cut and the mines shut down the oil indus try has his things worked out pretty weh well so why cant the mining in ID austry do likewise rf the henry mountain district is getting abood play at the present time there is a dozen or more rigs drilling and considerable mining work is being earned carried on by a large number of companies who have recently opened up or blocked out new ore deposits and are shipping good ore to the mill it is from this tins district that the highest grade ore orp mined on the colorado plateau has been shipped this district should produce a lot of high grade ore in the future as the area area has hardly been scratched and is one of the most promising district in utah the four comers corners district along the san rafael reef which is the closest mines to green river is very active and considerable work is un derway the mcdougal bros are down 30 feet fee on their new shaft which will bottom at feet A large ore bed has been blocked out by drilling the monogram uranium co jack jones will soon reach the ore bed on their foot incline shaft and should soon be in production bill cline will soon be producing ore from the united prospectors co ltd property which he has leased this shaft is feet deep being the dempst shaft in the district the four corners uranium corp has the myers drilling company blocking out other ore deposits with a rotary ng rig on their property and are getting ready to do several thou sand feet of wagon drilling mr dark clark vice president and explore tion chief of the company spent two days last week checking over their property and working out a larger developer dev elopement nent program the big bend uranium corp is driving three drifts to ore beds that have been blocked out by wagon drilling on their property about 3 miles east of the san rafael bridge I 1 at the hatt ranch considerable work is contemplo con ted in the near future in the green river area and we will en endeavor deaver to get a list of all the companies op crating in this district as soon as possible and publish it why the delay in getting a mill built here is hard to understand we have plenty of water a railroad mill sight and good paved highway and plenty of uranium so why should it have to be shipped to salt lake city grand junction monti cello and rifle which makes extra cost to the producer in getting the ore to the null mill why penalize the producers of the green river Ri verdis dis brict and expand the capacity of the other mills to be operated on green river ore it is time something is done don about it or know the reason why the new mexico mining asso elation and mining industries of el paso are holding their annual convention this year at el paso texas I 1 sept 29 oct 1st from the pro gram mailed out this meeting should be of interest to anyone that is able to attend I 1 the 1955 annual convention of the american mining congress will be held in las vegas nevada october 1013 10 13 and from their program this convention is of vital importance to everyone in the mining business very interesting field trips are on the program and of course the en at las vegas is of the best in the country copies of the program of both of the above conventions may be seen at this office |