Show everyone aig uig sd d to at attend tend school meo meeting aing oct ath on october ath members of the state committee of the utah con ference of education will be in gr een cen river to conduct discussions of important problems concerning sch these discussions are all to contribute to the national white house conference on education wh ich will be held in washington D C in november upon call of president eisenhower Elsen hower the ultimate aim of course is to improve all the sch the green river meeting is of ut most importance for every citizen it will convene at the school bouse house at 2 30 p m on tuesday october ath everyone is urged to attend the problems to be disc discussed assed at that time with state leaders are as follows 1 what should our schools accod push 2 in what ways can we organize our school more efficiently and econ comically omi cally 3 what are our building needs 4 how can we get good teachers and keep them 5 how can we finance our schools build and operate thema 6 how can we obtain a continuing public interest in education 7 dont don t forget the date october ath the time 2 30 p m and the place school auditorium you are urged and invited to be present |