Show yes there theres s an important intangible in our bank service its it s the sym path atou s and friendly way your money problem is handled by clr staff come in and see the first national bank of price price utah BB power coo Q i I 1 aa e s 1 m wr I 1 ea e ane o 0 airport hotels I 1 jsse sa s1 sag 1 P 0 n 0 a iv moab is the new headquarters for a large area of the te antory we serve including green river thompson sego cresent junction la sal monticello and moab district offices are located in the north side of the prospector lodge building corner second north and first west streets office numbers 30 and 31 are now occupied by our new district organization A line crew is headquarter in moab for prompt efficient service 6 r green river customers i green river customers may pay bills at the malcolm grocery store D 0 maw A UTAH rower DO MIMI I 1 iff 0 richard M pizza district representative mars pope local agent i claron bailey forman mrs eleanore sue austin accounting clerk and greeter classified FOR RENT CLEAN modern rooms by week or month very reasonable rates kitchenettes for cooking if desired phone uranium motel MALE OR FEMALE reliable per son for cleanup work on night shift arbon cafe FOR SALE mcclintlock REALTY PHONE 2141 FOR SALE 7 for two bedroom furnished house in southeast sec tion of green river terms move right in FOR SALE three goo good milk cows with calves freshened in july phone 2104 glen alien allen FOR SALE 25 foot trailer house insulated excellent condition elect nc ric hot water heated electric aerator butane stove oil heater bunk beds and couch sleeps four contact jack smith at new green river school FOR SALE 1951 pan american 30 ft it will sleep 4 completely turn fum dished call phillips 66 station or lows trailer crt 2746 C FOR SALE combination JJ yard shovel northwest crawler possible trade for late model auto mobile fred agent D R G W RR CO box phone 87 mount pleasant utah wn FOR SALE nearly new 17 11 CU eu ft it deep freeze upright H D parker helper utah FOR RENT three one room apts for men or one three room apt for family also one two room apt D W phone WANTED WANTED 1 11 j I 1 U C JI P I 1 I 1 er tor id ld i A or part time work 2651 WANTED personal laundry ami fl I 1 shed or rough dry phone 2 2172 72 irene simonds WANTED bookkeeping accounts by notary public contact pearl baker WANTED angle drilling core and plug drilling core adril ling phone 2681 green river utah ftp 11 DRILLING want to put down a shaft fast and cheape can get shafts drilled up to 42 inches in diameter for lower price than going rate contact joe baker drift mining co green river utah WANTED coal hauling anytime anywhere at going prices D W phone WANTED experienced clerk and fountain help male or female bursts phone itc ditc 11 LOST on one black bicycle see or call kenneth curtis phone 2181 reward ftp WANTED experienced waitress cook s cafe WANTED typing letters reports e after 6 00 P M call 0 office F calyx 0 0 I 1 3 FOR SALE registered chesapeake Che speake bay retriever pups lee howland phone 2163 5 55 5 A K it only takes a moment for an accident to hap happen peril and it can happen to you if your car is not in tiptop tip top shape shapel PA D L A N D G ARA GE green river utah ua LA L A NITE N I 1 T E PLUMBING AND HEATING your friendly plumber located next to the arbon cafe a phone green river utah iff iu hemis ja E N nc Is faila faI lM lightweight HEAVY DUTY RIP REMOVABLE DOZER PERS F t all small RIPPERS when used mod um and a go D 7 D 8 TD 24 11 lots of three to do peyrot Pe on HEAVY DUTY 11 un is they 0 V sofol excellent GROUSER SHOES a I 1 fool aloe grade bar to hol w ath of t has last and wear evenly ath for r PP no concrete fop comer cuts m I 1 icum loss of hardpan blacktop tracton and floto red rack and other t an hard surfaces let DA D A 6 D 7 D 8 S and HO HD 19 N HD D 20 HEAVY DUTY ROCK BOTTOM TRACK END BITS for D 6 ROLLERS and 0 7 and DO D 8 doze dozes s toller pa ts is mo ma des ened for last lost ng no ch caned ned fail to f t tack t ack war wear and ra to I 1 and g ve max f on an mum value n t ac cc ton Is INCREASE YOUR TRACTORS WORKING POWER w ath th these and other items n complete stock dozer brush rakes scraper r apers scar I 1 er shanks and teeth overlay end b is h blocks D 8 water pump shafts and impellers from the moment you equip your rig with hensley hen sley you begin to save savel DEALER im into ested pease send s ng w th hans me e ey name ta 09 an pr ce ament list 1 company f address I 1 city zone state S M VIA alea wig GREEN UTAH V WWW |