Show q DAYS V it ak p see you at PATS BAR a a a a sure we have all kinds of smoking needs come in any time it FOUNTAIN SUNDRIES U 0 I 1 jofs us E a K complete eie I 1 i s 4 automotive repair all kinds of WELDING portable welding equipment GREEN RIVER industrial WORKS green river phone utah S a pease pl jease call in your social news mrs janet rowland howland public steno grapher and notary public with of cices in the calyx building had de aided to try writing the green river social news but she is going to need your cooperation folks she will need to have the news of your visits and visitors parties marriages and births ar s aspi a za ions c etc e given iv n to her when something happens to i 5 ou or when you do something differ ent from from your every enery day routine won t t you help jan by calling in the news to hera her office phone number is 2521 and her home num ber is 2163 professional green river texaco complete texaco service malcolm prop green river utah 1 ell a 0 a el 41 41 a 0 J I 1 za I 1 otheya re safer M ini a moun tamm th MIN ira fimm U a r W SM ving a chaw employees at the bingham mine are safer moving a mountain to produce copper than the average person is doing household chores actually five times safer national safety council figures show one in 36 persons suffers a home accident each year at the mine men in different jobs which include drilling blasting and hauling have an accident rate of only one in the mills and refinery also have outstanding safety records the 38 year old safety program at utah copper is the result of sincere concern for the welfare of employees every year it calls for careful planning and the expenditure of more than one equipment change now being made to insure greater safety will cost when completed fourteen specialists are assigned to full time safety work while supervisors are responsible for safety as part of their duties but all of utah copperas coppers employees have assigned themselves to making the safety program work their enthusiastic cooperation helps make it a success employees and their families benefit from the carefully engineered safety program at utah copper because the family of a safe worker is more secure also they are relieved of the worry and suffering caused by accidents the company benefits because bece a safe worker is a steady producer and a goo good 4 am safety record helps attract competent workmen employee management teamwork at utah copper has produced a safety record which benefits all utahna be because causer in the long run it helps maintain copper production A p 4 A edew arr VORA copper er corporation A good neighbor helping to build a better utah hollywoods newest TVs best celebrity playhouse channel Channe 12 2 every wednesday ap m |