Show the key hole by the desert rat here we are back in town the trail out hanksville Hanks ville way is getting better due to those fellows driving those yellow cars working it over io so it does not take sure foot as long to get in since he is learning how to travel over a smoother trail may be he knew there was some kind of celebration taking place and was in a hurry to get in and see what it vas va all about just one look th thru r u he key hole and it was easy to te tell 1 1 ahat was s going go a for arit F 13 9 i sif 0 d fit 3 1 I 1 a jot oi oe watermelons but ut folks r never saw such potent felons alefons as these green river mel me ans s from the way a loot of folks act td ed I 1 am sure they were irrigated wi th lit henry mountain spring water cpr tor no ordinary ord miary ry water would make out of so many people I 1 saw reeling around on the street it if mississippi or oklahoma could raise watermelons hae these a fellow could make a million dollars farming and would not need to hunt for uranium I 1 even saw some stran gers putting the seeds in their pock ets so far have haie not heard of any casualties but it is reported some of the boys were we re around some of the stores trying to buy larger hats monday morning deer hunting season will soon be here herd that is four legged deer hunt ing season as I 1 don t think there is any season on the two legged kind so the usual casualties will take place for there is no law turning fools loose with a gun to shoot at anything that moves then look later to see what it was which some times tunes is their hunting partner of course in the old days accidents ime that in the henry was n not ot th thought 0 aught of but since all these ura mum hunters have invaded that region things are a little more law abiding but it still Is no place for a good long eared mule so I 1 have pro sure foot I 1 would stay away from that country while all the shoot ing was going on there wil be plen pien ty of pf deer down there to shoot when it is safer for how can a fellow enjoy eating when he is a corps that is unless he is an irish matt atolfi friends hold hola an old 1 ainar iq u EIM the city of M do crushing d rushing bd kaja as kind of 4 aate gateway way lowr to q mtv Wr L VA abich f babst auy ay di ret q lutterer lutt 1100 eVer ver it is nut so V rd kcf 10 faed no days as it wae wa everad ao but still a feua bild V sg tt it easily espe gaHy ht th the 0 o I 1 W a ate 1 strophes and maybe mayve thing two yes it ibe n but how w thare A R othet business es aalthe all the rest iest of 1 r in alli k oter atis oas growing edthe po post t off e cef me know aa 4 id there is one there arnt 1 U a 1 1 if 11 I 1 ran a cafe I 1 would throw all f out if they didn dian t go put out D when they were asked to decently 1 I seen people get up from a table and ana walk out gut when some drunk staggered in and sat down rat at the same table fornear on near by table also I 1 have seen and heard them use profane and language in the presence of ladies setting at near nearby by tab tables les which was very em lar to them as well a as s other decent people the eating places in dour our town are limited and at times a fellow may have to put up with conditions and over look some th ings but I 1 am afraid if a drunk came in and used bad language in the presence of my wife or mother that I 1 have heard used here there would be war declared pronto if a man or lady either cant can t take a drink without making an ass out of themselves they should not be allowed in a public place where de cent people go if these nights keep on getting cool er I 1 m going to have to start wearing an under shirt or put on a jack et I 1 guess summer is gone as I 1 have not seen any more of those california girla gu hardly dressed come thru lately also heard it snowed last saturday up around price that is getting pretty close so guess we had better get I 1 back ack to camp and hunt up that other blank et for the bed roll so adios P S if tiny ate any of those water frie melons lons he will be able to take care of any tom cat |