Show national RN e A dw by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science university of utah the news that the ern world of an agreement between russia and west germany is now contradicted by recent reports that nothing certain was agreed upon by the aged chancellor adenauer and soviet officials western germany has reached a period of prosperity unlike any it has known since pre war days while east germany has suffered severe setbacks communist dom domination madon As a visitor to moscow adenauer represented a free west germany allied to a free western world this being in all tha only visible drawback as at f far ar as russia is concerned inre curning diplomatic relationships the entire nation was concerned last week with the sudden illness of president eisenhour Eisenh owr cans feared this might mean the president would not run again in 56 many news reports have stated that the republicans chances will be slim next year if president eis endower is unable to run republicans are quite certain that averell harriman will be the man Democrats the will pick as their can didace for 1956 adlai stevenson seems to be losing ground as elec tion time draws nearer several mo I 1 ago democrats seemed to think mr stevenson would be the only per boi dui together and strengthening several ties lies that are almost sor severed ered with ar a the party itself t ezra taft benson U S secretary Secra tary of agriculture is being confronted with the still growing problem of de cling farm prices Demo crates are blaming the republican ad ministration for the drop and the P republicans have nearly exhausted their back backfire file in an attempt to se cure sufficient cent evidence of an even greater pater decline in farm prices dur deoc r s reign in office IE baa no caa L republicans 4 n have alq implied in in sev c crat port g that p a potential can caa I 1 5 io f wic at 91 on the R av former go gov york fork thomas dewey dewe |