Show your home demonstration agent fern lillywhite each year at the utah state ag ri cultural college a leadership school for women is held the purpose of this school is to train leaders in the communities to carry on home EC projects with the assistance of the home agent it is desired that at least one representative from each community in the county at tend this leadership school for wo men the school this year will be he id october 3 6 in order to make it possible for more people in our co anty to take advantage of this opp ort unity the county is paying for the transportation and housing each individual who attends will be res pon sible for paying her own meals some ome of the training which will be given us as follows sectional meetings and project work will be held in foods clothing clot imig and home management the spec I 1 calist in child development and par ent education from the department of agriculture will give information on family living anyone interested in attending this outstanding educational event please write or call your home dem dern on agent fern lillywhite in castle dale your home demonstration agent is employed by the USA US C to teach away from the college |