Show wing tips by jim hurst the past week at the airport br ought in george shaner a friend of dave pettit they met and spent a lot of time together at the airport in north carolina in 1948 it was cuite a surprise to them both when george climbed out of the super cub and found dave in charge of the airport we expect george and the super cub to be with us a couple of mon bell exploration and development corp have been here a couple ef of times with their new bell bel helicopter for gasoline due to unfavorable weather on the western slope of the western range our distinguished guests fr fram salt lake city and other cities in n that jhc thc t area were not able to be here planned airport dedication 0 OK K An anderson aerson nearly 81 years of age was up flying with me over the upper end of the valley and the book cliffs sunday flying must be losing it s popularity for he he turn tun ed down an offer to learn to fly free of enrage it seems like mr andersons go ing for a ride from the new airport 31 years after he first started the airport here could be considered as an official act of dedication just as well as a and cake cutting ceremony would have been |