Show city council 0 a probes illegal use of water last week the city council app i opted a committee to investigate the possibilities of darryl ross ros the local L D S bishop of illegally using city water at his new sinclair ser vice station and several houses located on his property outside the city limits mr hulsey city attorney said that due to the pressure put on the city council they felt that some action should be taken the comm attee consisted of royce hulsey city attorney harmon weber city marshal james hurst council man ken silliman councilman and charlie martin city water ma ster in checking the property the corn com cittee found that both houses that occupied were connected to city wat illegal use of water er and had pressure to them with the committee could find no poss ible way that mr ross s service station could be hooked up to city water mr hulsey then asked darr ross if he was using city water mr ross replied that he was not using city water then mr air hulsey asked if he had been using city wat er mr ross said that he had been using city water to wet down the ar ea in front of the station and for washing cars when his pump would not supply enough water mr ross stated that he was not hooked on to the city water line at the station but jut that he had used a hose conn acted to his house nearby for wh ich he had permission to use mr hulsey mentioned they would check the meter to an over con through that line ken stated that the meter had been broken for about a month N not ot being satisfied with their fi andings and upon relieving rec ieving additional into information the committee return ed to mr ross s service station the following day they mune immediately hately located a connection box and ver ifield that city water was piped into the service station because of the pressure they had difficulty in get ting the cap back on and mr air mar ajar tin had to hurry to the main valve and cut the water off in order to avoid flooding the station each member of the c committee 01 atee verified the ev evidence of t the water wate r box and the hookup hook up into the stat ion water pipes had very recently been disconnected the committee reported that no further action as yet has been tak en in the case |