Show wd aa oil M V aff clr adwa e b blob call LU fam to ta take e pal out I 1 0 E u cati c law ahm 19 i 0 n abam conference Con 0 ing ach ferenc e FA e I 1 N cwm L d 1 h L apa m u AM m m state officials here in to discuss six ox topics 0 the president of the united states has asked that educational confer ances be held in every state during 1955 utah has heeded this call and green river is taking an active part in the process the idea of the conferences is to arouse increased interest in the schools on the part of the citizens after all the schools do belong to the people groups meeting er in towns cities counties and in state assemblies sit down and con sider their own schools educators and citizens exchange views consid er problems and make suggestions which are designed to result in bet ter schools better school methods and better school systems here is what green river has done in 1953 the governors 60 man committe on the schools re commended that the people and the schools make an up to date st on the aims alms and purposes of the schools in utah following this request early in 1955 the state course of study committee asked each school district to state its aims for state consideration the emery county board of education then re quested the teachers and patrons of each school in the district to hold discussions from which would be come ideas as to what each comm unity would like its schools to ace acc in march april and may a group of parents and teachers sat down together in several round table sessions out of these meet ings came a statement of the aims and purposes of the green river sch as agreed upon by the teacher and representative citizens this statement was sent to the district office to be used in compiling the district statement it can be seen by contacting mr gledhill at the school or one of the patrons who participated early this su summer governor lee heeded president eisenhower Eisen howers s call for a conference on education in utah the plan is that the ideas from the utah conference will be taken to washington D DC C to be add ed to the ideas of other states as to how schools could be improved green river is participating in ut ah s effort to get ready for the wh ite house conference in november in late august mrs daphne king mrs mary hatch mrs earline nel son mrs verna lue gledhill corn a group which traveled to provo to meet with groups from seven other school districts to dis cuss six problems as set up for dis cassion in the white house confer ence discussion centered around six areas I 1 what should schools 9 2 how could schools be kg best organ ined 3 what are building needs 4 how can we get good teachers and keep thema 5 how can schools be financed 9 6 how can public interest be main gained those participating in the reg lonal ional conference in provo were di erected to return home to their co immunities mm unities and hold discussions with their fellow citizens and school peo pie we in green river plan to do this next tuesday october ath at 2 30 p m on that day members of the state committee will be here to lead us in advancing and discuss ing our ideas about schools under the six headings mentioned above the best ideas of this meeting will be taken by representatives yet to be selected to a state meeting in salt lake city in october the best ideas about schools will be taken by the state committee to the white house conference in washington on november here is a good chance for the peo pie of green river to express ideas which will result in improved sch plan to attend the public meet ing at 2 30 p m on october ath in the school gym |