Show flying saucers old stuff it s boxes now mr and mrs arthur ekker of green reen river recently made in inter esting find on robbers roost flats which is part of their ranch it wasn gasn t a hidden cache of the loot re reputed p buted to have been left hidden there by th famous butch cassidy gang neith er avas was it a rich uranium strike though in the past both of these discoveries have been reported in that general vicinity no they won t get rich from their discovery but it is interesting some what mysterious and associated with the modern scientific and air age specifically it was two large boxes each weighing about pounds they are carefully secured with parachute straps and labeled moby dick flight on august aa 2 mr ekker said that he began to find yards and yards of torn plastic material scattered be tween robbers roost flats and irately 20 miles he believes that the plastic is the remains of a very 96 ala 45 ft ww y 4 green river journal photo arthur ekker is shown here standing at the green river railway sta tion beside the two strange boxes he found on robbers roost flats the boxes are labeled as U S air force property with instructions that the feider should ship them by railway express to the lowery air force base at denver colorado the largest box beside which mr ekker is standing appears to contain photographic equipment as lens are visible in both top and bottom win dows of the box note that the top window has been shattered see story for further details large balloon that had exploded and dropped the boxes however he did not find the boxes until sept 3 and no one has reported seeing a balloon or hearing an explosion in that vicin ity the two boxes must have lime landed by parachute otherwise them the would have been destroyed but no para chute or even pieces of one has been found to date the largest box is of fiber glass construction while the other box appears to be made of corrugated cardboard with an alum mum tray attached to one end instructions to the finder printed on the side of the boxes were so weather faded that it was difficult to read them the station agent was able to make out that the boxes be longed to theu S air force and that they were to be shipped by rail way express to the transportation officer at lowery air base denver colo this was done in accordance w with ith the directions and now the ekkers are waiting to see if there will be any further developments continued on page 6 continued from page 4 dave daie pettit now with the green river aviation co said that at one tune time he had worked with similar equipment for the government and that the cost of the large fiber glass boxes containing camera equipment was more than 5 apiece james R shane of the jones and shane exploration found and brou in two more flying boxes to the station agent M E peterson at green on september 16 mr air peterson said that the last two boxes were also labeled moby dick flight and that they were sent to lowery air force base in denver he said that they were somewhat smaller approximately 18 13 by 30 inches and weighed only about 40 pounds apiece these cardboard boxes were found about 65 miles southwest of green river in the same vicinity as the two brought in by the ekkers ac cording to mr shane mr peterson said that the last two boxes found appeared to be empty and that they had been cov ered on the top by red plastic mater lal ial most of had been torn away they were also in nylon para chute harnesses A round aluminum metal instrument looking something like a gallon bucket with several wires leading out from it also ac companied comp amed the two boxes found by mr air shane he said |