Show hanksville HANKS HANK iVILLE VILLE NEWS by barbara barb arab ekker th tl fi st county fair ever to b beheld 1 m wayne county was staged september sept em er 6 at loa utah under the tye direction of harold C ekker coa ty commissioner the day be a i 4 w a parade down main street eh ith to mt it I 1 om bicknell bremont I 1 W N I 1 richard M pizza otan wan pow power r and kotec t olp oay dast disert t sup ri ten nten biart at moab richard na M pizza a native tive of 0 car boil county today was named depre P nt iti P for utah and light company s newly created moab dis brict the e appointment was announced b by y J newel stephens upil south berrr Ai division vision manager mr pizza puza has been associated with utah power light since 1950 mr stephens said the moab dis brict was r to effect better cottrol of power facilities in the area and to mae morer adequately serve the the fast growing economy of south eal eastern stern utah ther the company s newest expansion of facilities in the area is con of new high voltage lines frit fro if fy monticello jiow pow in tha 7 takes fages of completion in his new post mr pizza will head utah power operations in the alej comprising green river thompson seg crescent junction moab lasal and monticello the district will be located at moab aad will kopea late in september mr pizza graduated from wash inglan state college in 1900 and holds 9 EL B S degree in electrical en A A vetran of world war 11 II reserved he served in the south pacific with the air ait corps as a sergeant ATla A nativa tive of scofield utah mr pizza attended schools in carbon county e ej married the former louise coh coli of price aud and is the father of a I son and a daughter his parents are mr MV and mrs william pizza price rice teasdale elsmor elsinor lunan liman torry orry an and loa riding clubs from these towns were also present the pro t cession was led by the bicknell high school band under the direct i ion of nolan rilles giles who is a junior indent at the school this was fol lowed by the dedication of the dam six miles mile north of loa with a barbe cue at noon the afternoon events began with a rodeo th queen avas was virginia potter this was followed by the riding clubs which presented the colors and the national anthum was played by ane burr dese t buckaroos Bucke roos the rodeo was a fine show of bareback bronc brone and calf riding by the local boyo boy of wayne and nd counties the burr de sert buckaroos Bucke roos which nc ric eded darya ekker hanksville Hanks ville lloyd mecham z e lex ross ros roosevelt orlo cD edaniels aniels roosevelt and kay i nt ila ikse ille early in the eve ning a fashion show siow was held in c ea ion hall at the loa taber tabor a d ie le under the direction of mrs N 11 E acker with background music being sung by bill icA th aj a x 6 sice followed biti it I 1 music by sam chidester an the morning of the sixth an air show was staged at the loa air port with ith jets from hill field put ting on a very interesting show breakfast was held for the visiting 20 pilots and the bicknell band students under the supe of mr arid and mrs harold ekker air plane rides were given to all persons who were interested following the show A calf scramble and a greas ed pig race followed at the rodeo grounds all fair exhibits were displayed in he 00 tabernacle those represent ing Hankes ville were mrs ida weber paintings mrs pearl well handiwork mrs darys ekker handiwork belief relief society several exhibits which included work by mrs frank noyes noys mrs edna phil lips connie and ina ekker susan ekker and mrs riter ekker all of these exhibits won bid nylons of i I 1 1 we ar proul brou prou L the mcdougah aU reunion held sept 10 11 at the home of mr and mrs continued on page 5 hanksville HANKS VILLE NEWS continued Con tinned from page 2 ford webber was the first reunion ever to be held by this family those present were mr and mrs john browers morgan mr and mrs mack noyes morgan mr and mrs von noyes preston idaho mrs jessee scarf and daughters gail and margaret moab mr and mrs ken McDoug ll and son ted moab mr and mrs eben scarf moab mr and mrs venice denny moab james lloyd scarf moab mr and mrs wells mulford torrey burl and daughter kathy loa mr and mrs glenn whitby torrey mr and mrs lloyd mecham bick nell mr and mrs kay hunt han kers ville mr and mrs lester me dougall Hankers ville dougal hanksville Hanks ville students from hanksville Hanks ville that have moved to bicknell for the school term are ronnie noyes son of mr and mrs hyrum noyes ina and connie ekker daughters of mr and mrs darys ekker and donald wells son of bishop and mrs bill A ells mr and mrs lewis binderup of denver have been visiting mrs edna philips phillips for the past three days they were on their way to posts in anat area mr binderup cameron arizona and the trading owns a machine shop in denver and mrs grace bindrup buys and sells zuni and hopi indian jewelry |