Show W IN hanksville HANKS VILLE complete modern units stop at hunts M motel ot a e 5 bring your camera and a visit goblin valley sen seme tours tous arranged P J EVER SEE SO MUCH RAIN aa 1 1 N it happen herel we re just as considerate of our customers comfort and if convenience as we are particular k about the way we treat their cars our prices are considerate too so why not make us your h headquarters ead quarters for heads up 8 1 bervice green R rive I 1 ver texaco com complete texaco service malcolm prop green river utah swa F d the future won t take care of itself you muot mut DO something about arst set your sights on your goal in life then chart the course that will surely take you there 1 5 the first national bank of price price utah 55 su asa 1 INSURANCE AGENCY complete insurance service local service local people A AUTO U T 0 F FIRE I 1 R E T TRUCK R U C K L LIABILITY I 1 A B I 1 L I 1 T Y B BONDS 0 N D S MORTGAGE A ACCIDENT C C I 1 D E N T HEALTH phone 2141 post office building GREEN RIVER development co inc green river utah RIVER VU THEATER THURSDAY FRIDAY september 22 23 HOUSE OF BAMBOO robert ryan robert stack SATURDAY september 24 RACING BLOOD with cartoon SUNDAY MONDAY september as 25 26 WICHITA joel mccrea vera miles TUESDAY WEDNESDAY september 27 28 MONEY FROM HOME dean martin jerry lewis price steam laundry modern laundering Laun dring and cleaning phone price utah lisica tt aaa secretarial RESEARCH SERVICE LETTERS distinctive typing IBM 1 REPORTS executive modern electric machines DRILL LOGS TAX FORMS green river utah 9 4 U U il 5 U f 5 rays tavern B beer e e r C candies a n d i e s C cigarettes i g a re t t e s Soft Drinks pool tables booths for ladies phone 2751 green riv river er REMINGTON ROYAL SMITH CORONA OLYMPIA START THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR RIGHT the best place to buy huy your portable typewriter Is from your local office equipment dealer a 1 only service in eastern utah 2 1 year service guarantee 3 rent a new machine 6 00 per month three months rental gj may be applied to purchase g 4 10 00 type table only 10 with the purchase of a new portable a typewriter r 6 high 9 trade a ein e in allowance on your old typewriter 5 liberal terms demonstration in your home at no obligation phone office equipment co complete office supplies I 1 38 west main price utah K complete automotive repair all kinds of WELDING portable welding equipment GREEN RIVER industrial WORKS g green river phone 43 utah a 64 41 OH YES we have a complete supply of COSMETICS FOUNTAIN D w d no I 1 see you at PATS BAR eatha o a t it fl at ct ft abit ia sis 5 ta this is not one of our waitresses but we do serve the BEST BEEF IN TOWN we 11 II be open saturday and sunday during the melon day celebration 4 1 q cafe eat where cooking Is an art bring your guests to the arbon open 24 hours bus dept depot mr 86 mrs u P i awer proprietors phone 2421 green river 3 a a PIPE P I 1 P E PIPE plastic pipe steel pipe large stock on hand skyline plastic pipe Is flexible 0 fram 50 degrees es F to degrees F a transmits no tastes or odors continuous resistance to heat beat of degrees F nine times lighter than steel pipe ci of f the same sizel a standard plastic fittings available cuts ats installation costs by more than half COMPARE OUR PRICES M A L ES t 0 0 GREEN UTAH |