Show ROBERTS CLINIC 0 stanley roberts N D g a 3 new office in building sj 3 R spinal manipulations rectal diseases a sinus infections a PRICE phone R UTAH 0 WARREN H DEAN licensed surveyor phone 2061 box ox green river utah EFFICIENT ACCURATE SURVEYING RELIABLE AND economical registered land surveyors fully equipped parties with individually radio communication 41 rates on A per claim basis 0 lump sum or daily rates if preferred v reproduction SERVICE FOR CLIENTS jeeps radios complete camping equipment for survey partis furnished without added charge 0 A MILLER SAMS KEARNS KEARN SUTAH UTAH PHONE AM 6 we are shooting the works with our on u a F on americas fastest selling car the R new 9 Moto chevrolet act now T N T today not tomorrow your old car will never again be worth so much 9 4 J down to earth terms to suit your budget bring he the family and come ready to deal i 4 redd motor co phone price utah your friendly Che verlet dealer classified FOR RENT CLEAN modern modem rooms by week or month very reasonable rates kitchenettes for cooking if desired phone uranium motel WANTED personal laundry finished or rough dry phone 2172 irene simonds MALE MALE OR FEMALE reliable per son on for cleanup work on night shift arbon cafe FOR SALE mcclintlock REALTY PHONE 2141 FOR SALE 7 for two bedroom furnished house in southeast sec see tion of green river terms move right in FOR FOR SALE three good milk cows with calves freshened in july phone 2104 glen alien allen FOR SALE 25 foot trailer house insulated excellent condition elect nc ric hot water heated electric aerator butane stove oil heater bunk beds and couch sleeps four contact jack smith at new green river school FOR SALE 1951 pan american so 30 ft will sleep 4 completely furn dished call phillips 66 station or lows trailer crt 2746 FOR SALE combination yard shovel northwest crawler possible trade for late model auto mobile fred agent 1 D R G W RR CO box phone 87 mount pleasant utah FOR FOP SALE nearly new fa 17 cu ft deep freeze upright H D parker helper utah FOR RENT three one room apts a p ts for men or one three room apt for family also one two room apt D W phone WANTED WANTED experienced er for full or part time work 2651 WANTED personal laundry fini shed or rough dry phone 2172 irene simonds WANTED bookkeeping accounts by notary public contact pearl baker WANTED young girl wants baby sitting call laura jean short DRILLING want to put down a shaft fast and cheap can get shafts drilled up to 42 inches in diameter for lower price than going rate contact joe baker drift mining co green river utah WANTED coal hauling anytime anywhere at going prices D W phone WANTED experienced waitress cook s cafe WANTED typing letters reports et after 6 00 P M call office F calyx FOR SALE ALE registered chesapeake Che speake bay retriever pups lee howland phone 2163 shop at GROCERY full line of CANNED GOODS vegetables and FRUITS FRESH MEATS modern self service phone 2721 3 0 green river utah get your melon day attire at the style bar western slacks regular slacks jackets bras slips maternity clothes STYLE BAR office F in the calyx building maxine baker and abiata gahagan proprietors X fa ow low 0 C MIDLAND GARAGE green river utah Is A L S EM RV I 1 truck car needs when you type on an a tires mw orona accessories batteries t all phases of J automotive service appliance department Frigi claire 41 zeneth dexter wor worlds fils fastest PORTABLE sunbeam NOW with PAGE GAGE come in and see them 0 not wy full size keyboard so hat that its easy to learn earn touch typing BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE but now page gage that takes 24 hour service year around the guesswork out of page end typing watch your marks go up tsa As low as 7 00 down GREEN RIVER UTAH and 4 32 per month I 1 |