Show green river municipal airport improvements made this week C central location of airport helps draw air braf traffic f ic those shifting and persistent dust clouds just west of town the past few weeks have been caused by the grad mg ing graveling and rolling of the landing strip at the green river municipal airport this improvement project on the airport which is now being finished was approved in 1954 its cost was to be 8 3 with the state providing half or over 4 the other half of the amount to be spent was to be provided locally this money was appropriated to construct the airstrip west of town and to provide an auxiliary cross wind strip in the vicinity said mr james hurst city councilman the cross wind emergency strip is on the other side of the river in grand coun ty on the north side of the highway and just east of the S M sales co no tax money used rather than use general taxation to provide the needed money to im lm prove the airport the city has spent its rebate of ac a gallon on all air plane gasoline sold here said mr air hurst the amount of airplane gaso line sold here runs into a surprising amount he believes according to state tax commission figures there were 17 gallons of airplane gasoline sold here in 1954 this is more than was reported to the state tax commission as sold last year in either bountiful price or logan utah heavy air traffic here last year green river sold one half as much airplane gasoline as the city of provo reported sold provo was listed as having soi sold d gallons last year as against green rivers river s sales of 17 gal ions this would indicate that there is a great deal more air activity here per capita than there is in provo which is perhaps 30 times larger than green river it would also indicates that the airport is bringing in considerable revenue and business for the merchants of green river airport centrally located it is felt that the close proximity of the airport to the business dis brict restaurants and motels of green river is worth more to the city than most airports of other towns which aich are located at a dis tance from the center of commerce and of population the location of our airport is now worth more to green river even if we don dont t spend another dime dune on it lt than the airports of or most other towns which have cost nearly a million dollars stated mr air hurst dust to be improved the dust conditions at the airport are to be improved as rapidly as possible used motor oil which is being donated by the service sta eions of the town is being spread over the tie down area hurst re ports it is also planned to put oil or said road mulch on the first feet or on the warm up apron this fall mr air hurst also announced that pilots will be notified to be considerate in raising dust creating noises and flying at low altitudes over town the municipal airport as well as the emergency cross wind strip a cross the river will be listed on the next aeronautical charts reports mr air hurst the municipal airport is 4 feet long and the crois croslind cro wind strip is 1900 feet by 2700 feet the emergency strip said mr air hurst is to be kept graded and smooth only as it is for use only when it might be unsafe to land at the regular airport |