Show C city i t R vae d ite a a cs F op r 2 D C aa y F eff s c g free drw 0 OM W fun for F cost r A I 1 1 0 1 sponsored by AMERICAN LEGION the biggest and best celebration green river has ever seen MELON DAYS OF 1955 will begin this sat arday sept 24 and end sunday night sept 25 the local american legion post sponsors this annual event and promise that this years celebration will be something extra special one thing you can be sure of all the FREE watermelon you can eat famous green river watermelon pat gahagen legion aire stresses that the melons will be cut as they are served to provide that extra dash of fresh flavor minature float parade the first event on the program is the minature float parade which will start at 1100 11 00 A M on saturday the parade is scheduled to proceed down main street from the midland garage to the highway then west on the highway to the old school house where it will disband notice to all who have entered floats in this parade mrs ray sherrill who has charge of the floats asks that all floats be at the midland garage by 10 11 00 10 A M to get lined up for the march I 1 approximately 30 floats have been entered according to reports boat races at 11 00 A M on sunday the fam ous green river boat races will start says billy rowland howland who will w 0 officiate at the races each race will be five miles long the course being circular will each lap a distan ce of one mile the boats will corn com five laps to make the five mile race the races can ran be viewed from the southeast part of town well known top drivers and speed will be here to take part geor ge walton and dick bradford of salt lake city have entered by the way it was reported from reliable sources that george walton turned down the opportunity to enter the national championship races at shreveport la in order to be pre sent for the melon day raceal races 1 herb deweese a talented old time top driver from prove provo will also be here according to jack mac kay he said that skilled boat drivers from casper wyo grand junction trinidad and de beque colo richfield utah and from other part of the united states will be here for the boat races following are the kinds of boat races that will be on the melon day program as they were listed by billy howland the races will include classes B C and D hydro boats in these classes can obtain a speed of around 70 miles per hour flat bottomed boats in classes B C and D runabout are also entered in the races these types of boats are able to reach speeds of 45 to 55 miles per hour mr howland said all the business es in town had donated prizes for the races and that there will be 1st 2nd 3rd prizes five races will be run in two heats he said two day rodeo this year the big two day rodeo features the green river saddle pals for the frist time this junior riding club has been working hard but HARD all summer provide you with a display of real s showman howman ship skillful riding and t thrills h rills for their part of the rodeo according to john B folsom their supervisor the saddle pals will perform in a flying drill a wat water er race a clover leaf race and a barrel race all of which were described in a previous issue of the journal eight members of the roping club agreed to do a square dance on horseback for the rodeo the mount ed dancers will be mrs jack mac kay mrs norma mrs helen milton mr air and mrs wayne smith floyd alien allen delbert tidwell and marvin holloway other rodeo events to take place that are always popular are roping steer riding saddle bronc and bareback riding team tying and wild cow milking the rodeo will start on saturday sept 24 at 1 00 P AT sharp on sun day however it will not begin until 2 30 P M according to lorin lorm milton who is in charge of rodeo plans other entertainment the wrestling matches will take P place lace on saturday evening before the dance man mail mountain dean jr w will 11 be the featured wrestler said joe baker skillful women wrestlers will also be in the ring jimmy dart s orchestra wil fur nish the music for the dance this is scheduled to be held on saturday evening at 10 00 P M and will contin ue until 2 00 A M the tennis court at the city park will be the scene of the dance night ball games are also ed for the city ball park A pair of girls ball teams are expected to be here for soft ball games pat gahagen promises that here is a surprise in m store for the spectators when the Legion ettes will play the mitchell mummies from price the amerian legion auxiliary will operate a concession stand |