Show national political review by BONN BONNIE IE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science university of utah according to reports recently re leased from washington adlai stevenson and former president harry S truman do not see eye to eye on many political issues mr stevenson feels that the republican campaigns for the coming elections demand a more subtle and tactful undertone certainly more at least than demonstrated by mr truman in hi hia recent attacks upon president eisenhower Elsen hower and his administration mr truman has done nothing it seems to break his habit of speaking out at times when tactful touch and a certain amount of common sense would sen ser e his purpose just as well it has been reported that a group of political leaders are planning a ticket for the democratic party with averell harriman for president and estes Re kefauver fauver as vice president it was indicated in several news re ports that supporters of adlai steven son aren t quite sure they will sup port him again most democratic leaders feel nevertheless that mr bt stevenson evenson is the person to hold the party together the past ten years have resulted in a near split for the democratic party especially since most important issues presented by he party have met strong ion in the south gov shivers an astute southern politician was re ported to have stated earlier in the summer that he would support any one who opposed stevenson and his views evidently diplomatic relations will resume between russia and ger many according to the reports given by chancellor hanc elloF adenauer after his visit to the soviet union last week it was reported that the russians re quite a surprise when mr adenauer arrived equipped with 50 west germans as aides mr ade wanted it understood that his country is a U S ally and the ability of becoming a russian Sa satelle tellie is completely out of the question recent reports indicate that john foster dulles U US S secretary of bbate is not convinced that the rus are sincere about their recent plans for peaceful co ex istance he feals that the soviet union will only promote a situation if they are sole benefactors president eisenhower Elsen hower prefers to think the russians are sincerely anxious for peaceful ca ex istance and fair negotiation U US S officials are considering a plan to have russian diplomats visit our country to inspect the atomic energy research department mr strauss chairman of the commiss ion is a bit wary about this plan since americans have not even per to inspect a small section of their own atomic indu industry str republic republicans ans plan to form their political platform with records of all time prosperity high in the U US S they feel that the fact that business booming and the average U S family is financially better off than they have been for a long period of time cannot be ignored by the nat ion democrats hope to stress farm prices and decrease in farm income as defense in this recently waged political war according to recent reports from washington a left wing group has been active in the federal govern ment as late as 1954 the report in dilated that the government will be gin a series of public hearings in januray y evidently gov averell harriman of new york is still publicly support ing adlai stevenson for the dennial nomination he is considered the stronger candidate by most de socratic mo cratic leaders and it has been re ported that in spite of his loyalty to stevenson he will not make any real effort to stop plans the party has made for him concerning the corn com ing election |