Show the tie borom Fo a I 1 I 1 may not agree with what you say but will fight to the death for your right to say it voltaire broken arrow okia okla sept 6 19 green river journal green river utah dorothy blake editor the above clipping from the pub lisher s auxiliary was very interest mg to B F miller former editor of the green river dispatch and the establishing of another paper for that community we are wondering if the editor is a daughter of H E blake a friend of the millers as well as a very help ful member of the staff of the dis patch many times tunes we have never forgotten the 11 years spent in green river the many kind neighbors and business men and women that were so helpful and interested in our efforts to pro duce a newspaper and we both wish you folks a successful venture in that part of the united states I 1 am enclosing a check and would appreciate copies of the journal from the start if it is possible and we want to receive your newspaper right along so when we have used up the amount of this check please send us a notice and we will renew 1 at once below is our address i we have moved many times since we left green river 38 33 years ago and have been retired eight years now after being associated with our son paul F the preceding 15 years on the broken arrow ledger and which he sold eight years ago will await the copies of the jour nal as we are still interested in green river and tho we are 71 and 78 73 years old we really enjoy the dailies the weekles etc sincerely the B F millers by adella miller P PS S we celebrated our wed mg ing anniversary april 9 1955 ed note both the H E blake family and mrs dorothy blake are frequently asked this question the answer is no mrs dorothy blake is not related to the H E blakes though she has been personally ac quain quainter ted with this very fine family II 11 E blake still writes for various for a number of years it might be weekly papers in this area she interesting for you to know that mrs blake lives in monticello utah |