Show religion in the schools reprinted from the salt lake tribune with mith our children back in school the problem of separation of church and state institutions again comes to the for in many districts the closely guarded liberty of religion won by the religious founders of our nation is being surrendered to the secular state by none other than the religious leaders of today it is frightening to hear the begging of religious leaders for state educators to take ove tho th religious ious training of our youth don t our church leaders realize that once th thy y succeed in giving the re legious training of our children over to tie vie school that they then give up one of their primary purposes of existence 9 if a child is taught how to pray taught the bible and the historical sig sla ance of religion in m the public school he will no longer feel any reas reason on for attending sunday school and church it appears that churches want to go out of operation else they would jealously guard their freedom and demand that religious training remain the right of the church and the home A freedom once given to the government is seldom possible to recover the three Rs belong to the school but the fourth R religion belongs to the church sunday school superintendent |