Show mcintosh MeEn tosh signed As new coach for green river high mr nelson W mcintosh was sign ed as new coach for green river high school tuesday sept 20 he began his remarkable career in coaching after finishing high school and two years of college in mississippi sipi receiving a degree from indiana and additional work in oregon mr air mcintosh was baseball coach at hanover college and spent eight years in high school athletics in colorado and oregon due to his leadership teams in the san juan basin won three champ lon ion ships along with delores cortez and drango mr air mcintosh stated that in his best year 41 4 they won 30 consecutive games from colorados best bea teams of which delta mont rose sahda cortez and durango were the losers mr mcintosh and his wife caro lyn are the parents of six children ages ranging from 16 to one year the family is residing in portland oregon where mr air mcintosh was teaching artil he e came carne to green river in may orthis year in addition to bis 6 duties as coach mr mcintosh is general manager of Penu Pen uranium inc a company of 30 professional and business men from pendleton oregon |