Show the key hole by the desert rat there come very near being no key hole this week as we got under water bound on the way in for it actually rained rallied and hard too hail hall that old mule just wouldn t cross them until he could see bottom can t blame him much as it was more wat er than we had seen since the big snows last winter while on the weather subject I 1 bet a fellow would do a land office business selling this desert sunshine and fresh air to those los angeles 0 folks most of them don dont t even know what sunshine is or fresh air then they call it sunny california sure awful what some chamber of commences Com merces will do to catch suckers I 1 saw in the paper the other day where carbon county had bought one of those he lie detectors and was going to let the other countries use it I 1 knew sooner or later some of the other towns were going to have to do something to protect themselves against those moab claims the rain this week is going to help in a lot of ways besides washing all the dust from other parts of the state out of the air it put water in the municipal trash bowl which may have enough water in it on watermelon day to wash the seeds out of your ears I 1 heard some of the kids talking about the new school building and wondering when they were going to get to use it one of them said may maybe b e by xmas that would be a nice hice xmas present for them all it would be nice to have a formal opening and have everybody come and see what a nice scho school 0 I 1 they have I 1 bet some of the older boys that have been out of school many years would want to enroll especially if the teacher was good looking sure hard to keep up with things when you live out on the desert but every time I 1 get to town find some thing newee going on or up this week I 1 found a new office bul building iding almost up where last time I 1 was in there was only a vacant lot I 1 heard it was to be called uranium center it is nice and is something this town need ed so people that have mines and other business here will not have to go to ot er towns for office space so some of the washes got up and another big improvement is almost completed and that is the air port project the runway has been length ened and widened as well as gravel ed so now it is an all weather strip it is the most convenient A airport in utah it is only three blocks from the post office and main part of town and is being used by many of the companies operating mines in this area and other businesses con necked with mining industry for all this improvement credit should go 90 to jim hurst who has directed and worked to get it done he ile should also be issued a permit to make a landing in the fur lined line d bath tub folks sugar foot is getting rest less to get back to 0 o camp and away from these jeep things maybe a fraid I 1 will trade him off so adios until next week PS P S I 1 am a little uneasy about tiny as the last tune time I 1 came in I 1 saw a big bw hungry looking tom cat strolling down the alley near the printing office anyway will win slip this under the door and see what happens |