Show to assist on airport high many help with work the present work is the first maj or improvement that has been made on the airport for many years the airport was started in 1923 and at that time about was spent in grading and smoothing out the run way planes using the airfield then were doing considerable barnstorm ing in this area said mr air 0 K anderson former mayor of green river during national air week in may of 1948 1943 green river had air mail service and mr 0 K nerson still has a letter with an airmail mail postmark on the envelope since arriving m green river james hurst city councilman says that he has dedicated himself to help provide the city with a safe landing field in attempting to pro cure leases for the airport he has made several trips to price and to huntington accompanied at differ ent times by frank halt hatt delbert tidwell and 0 K anderson both S B wilson and the wilson produce company have given the city 20 year leases on their land at per year numerous calls and correspond corre spon dence with state officials in sal 8 lake city has also faken taken place pace in regard to the airfield harlan bea ment director of aeronautics for the state of utah and several official oticia ls of the CA A haye have made trips to green river on business pertaining to the landing field what has been accomplished at the municipal airport is due to un tiring efforts and hard bard cash of 0 green river s flying fans and business men reiterated mr air hurst many town citizens have donated time equip ment and actual cash outlay again agam and again for the improvement of the airfield following is as complete a list as could be obtained at the moment of green river people who have con tri buted materially in many differ ent ways to air strip needs they are frank hatt wilson produce co S B wilson walter daye delbert tidwell 0 K anderson joe baker noel baker leroy dennison and kent johnson steve cook dick bedier gene and jay marsing A 0 acerson doyle stilson and warren thompson also took active parts usual flaw in a joint bank ac count is that the woman is quickest on the draw |