Show lity W iliff LV guam M blimm am MA aa M 45 deu TV AM moab afu ima ucb elm U ra 0 KI 1 0 y aurb fit I 1 9 tit t r al 10 t al t 11 4 aw aa P ina n ilk aj i SA nt i aft o 0 mft 4 from left to right are edward hansen jr CC L D beebe City Council hilda hatch jr CC accy I 1 mrs L H milton city treasurer ju jud y silliman il liman jr CC mrs lee thompson city recorder hal Anderson City council mayor devere curtis arden sherrill Shern ll jr C C may mayor r enneth kenneth silliman city council dean king jr C C 1 jack Mackay City council john mcclintock jr C C jim hurst ity council dar darwn in hunt jr C C and royce hulsey city attorney price paid will hook two systems together wednesday night s special council meeting was an important one for green river in regard to its pos sibil aties for future growth the deal to purchase the denver rio grande R R water facilities and water way license here was accepted by the city council and signed by mayor devere curtis the price for all the water tanks pumping facilities pipe lines and water waterway way license be longing to the railroad and ed by the city of green river is 8 3 00 can grow to 40 green river will now be able to grow t to 0 four times its present size before another addition will have to be made to the water faculties facilities ac cording to albert J may city coun oilman cilman and member of the water committee green river can have a populate ion of four or five thousand before any additional changes will have to be made even then only the fil te ration facilities will have to be increased and this can be done in a matter of 30 days at very small ex pense should we need to make this increase green river will then be able to care for a population of 30 to 40 thousand said albert may mr air may believes that it will take perhaps four or five months be fore the city can complete the hook up with the railway faculties facilities our present pumping capacity he said is only about 4 gallons of water per hour and our present needs are more like gallons of water per horn hour the railroad pumping capacity is about 16 gallons per hour he continued and when this is added to our present pumping system the city of green river win will be able to pump at least 20 gallons of water per hour from the green river advantages for growth now that green river has licked the water question which was only one of engineering and equipment anyway since there has never been a true water shortage here with the mighty green river flowing right through town there seems to be little to hold the city back from certain growth we have all the following addan we are situated on a major cross country highway no 50 6 we are on the main line of the denver rio grande railway we have adequate electric power for any eventuality and water facilities capable of caring for a city of 40 have plenty of room for expansion and a good centrally located air port watch us growl other city business the city council also voted to pub acly thank james hurst for the ex cellena job he has done on the city airport and making it a definite asset to green river they discussed the sidewalk situ aaion to the new school building since it is necessary to wait for the ground to settle where the sewer and water lines have been recently laid they decided to immediately provide some kind of temporary sidewalk to keep the youngsters out of the mud as much as possible they also de aided to construct a foot bridge across the irrigation canal so the children would not be forced to use the traffic bridge school students will be urged to use both the side walk and the foot bridge the city council also voted to al allow the american legion to rope off the street by the tennis court at the city park so that spectators may be charged admission to the dance on saturday night mr and mrs howard silliman are the proud parents of a new baby boy born sept |