Show comments from dixie by E A DAVIS cleveland tenn nor florid prose nor homed lines of rhyme can blazon evil deeds or consecrate a crime byron A prominent restaurant owner of chattanooga was hailed before the city judge for selling beer to minors last week it seems he has also been violating the regulation prohibiting sale of laughing water after twelve midnight mr G says the judge you have a big investment out there and we re going to give you one more chance we don t want to work a hardship no you but don t let it happen again the consequences of our crimes long survive their commissions and like the ghosts of the murdered forever haunt the steps of the male factor sir walter scott if ghosts haunt wrongdoers in direct ratio to the consequences of their misdeeds I 1 d rather be a res caurant owner than the judge in attaching more importance to mater lal ial investments than moral integrity h committed a more serious and far reaching wrong selling beer to minors is one thing but to under mine the respected and honored jud acial system of our fair city demands quick sudden and positive correct ive action the ghosts haunting this malefactor won t be ethreal but real live ones like increased juvenile delinquency and more frequent vio lations of city laws sessions judge joe goodson yes berday suggested the possibility of placing a jo 0 a year tax on each of the city s liquor stores to help start a fund to care for alcoholics here I 1 am afraid the judge won u on it get much cooperation on that suggestion al cohodes and liquor stores go er just like tom dick and harry cure tl tle e inebriates and you close the stores close the stores an and d we lose all that valuable revenue at least that s what we are supposed to believe hogwash any sensible citi zen realizes its costing a whole lot more to support our alcoholic con tallent than the liquor stores are paying in taxes nor can this lem be legislated out of ex istance perhaps the solution lies partly in this thought from longfellow saint Augu augustine well hast thou said that our vices we can frame A ladder if we will but tread beneath feet each deed of shame |