Show LA RUES beauty shop in green river utah trade at 0 home r ca hello gertrude did you give your husband those shirts you bought on our out cut of town shopping trip oh yes I 1 just gave fred his ties what oh overwhelmed I 1 guess say 99 f THIS ar L IN COMMUNITY WEST BY the green river journal PURDY PUR D Y barber shop green river utah nielsen blue print co inc prospectors supplies uranium maps secretarial service N third street grand junction colo arete cy nifty e 1 V 1 y A j k GOOD G 0 0 D FOO F 0 0 D sandwiches GIANT malts fountain HA H A sva BURGERS B U R G E R S ROCK AND GEM SPECIMENS GREEN RIVER UTAH IM canned goods vegetables frozen foods camping supplies hardware tools FOR NUTRITION FOR HEALT GREEN RIVER Is alf S I 1 COFFEE SHOP bre breakfast alfast lunch dinners steaks a specialty specially the best of foods prepared the way you like them del and opal cook proprietors on highway 50 6 green river utah OASIS CAFE fine steaks breakfast and short orders OUR COFFEE IS STILL A NICKLE GREEN RIVER UTAH q gas dependable tu BE oil butane ross service tires parts accessories prompt courteous service utah green river BANK SERVICES FOR YOU checking and savings accounts bank money orders and drafts Trav travelers elors checks night depositary safety deposit boxes free parking BANKING BY MAIL send for free envelopes carbon emery bank 45 south carbon price utah member federal reserve bank and federal deposit insurance corporation |