Show folks around town by JANET HOWLAND mr and mrs lauren beebe gave a dinner and lawn party at their home saturday night guests were mr air and mrs leroy dennison mr and mrs roy may mr and mrs ken silliman and mr and mrs george threlkeld the occasion be mg ing a birthday party for mrs mae silliman and mr george threlkeld mr and mrs cyril curtis and evelyn from spokane wash ington are visiting mr and mrs curbs curtis sr for a few days A family get together was held sunday at the curtis home mrs lloyd acott from greeley colo is visiting mr and mrs richard beebe mrs acott is the sister of mrs beebe mr and mrs arthur ekker had the pleasure of a visit on friday sept 16 from dr durant and mr raymond lee from the department of Mann at the university of utah they have just completed a survey of dannals in the navajo mountains miss sue folsom is no attending the business colage in salt lake city miss olive seely has left for carbon college and saturday robert wilson and sam left for the university of utah miss ila mae tidwell will be leaving for BYU on the and miss bonnie wilson will be leaving later in the week for the university of utah GOOD LUCK KIDS 4 mr and mrs sinclair thompson mr and mrs shaner and lorm lorin mil ton attended the state road annual picnic saturday the loth which was held at george white s ranch some 16 miles out of moab continued on page 4 continued from page 2 friday night seven of the green river artists attended a meeting at the art barn in price mrs helen tidwell mrs airs simond mrs airs olney and Ms Wi bielling elling drove up earlier in the afternoon for a bit of shopping slopping before attending the meeting ettli ig mrs ruth baker mrs airs tam sam wilson and mrs airs pearl baker left later in the afternoon and ar riving blateir g for 0 r the meeting A film I 1 technique rech of the brush was s shown own to the group and refreshments were served later however never let it be said that green river took a back seat for all this as mrs ruth baker and mrs airs helen tidwell took watermelons and cantaloupes to be served as part of the refreshments w mr air and mrs albert may and their granddaughter grand daughter debbie took a trip to boise idaho they left green river friday the ath and after spending a couple of days visiting mr and mrs airs ace reed of boise returned home on tuesday the mr air and mrs jack macka mackay y and girls spent the weekend in rifle colorado visiting mrs airs mackay s family there is usually a lot of pleasure in taking 0 a trip out of 31 town but if you were to ask mr ike stott about his last trip to salt lake city he might tell you they t all fun while working around the motel mr stott fell and broke two ribs and then drove to salt lake to the doctor however while there mr air and mrs scott a visit to their two sons max anadon mrs airs enid reid of san leandro calif formerly enid wilcox of green river gave birth to a baby girl friday the for all the green river ai artists registration will be saturday the at the school house after 12 30 PM |